@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000820, author = {真壁, 朝敏 and 末吉, 敏恭 and Purnowidodo, Anindito and 宇都宮, 登雄 and Makabe, Chobin and Sueyoshi, Toshiyasu and Purnowidodo, Anindito and Utsunomiya, Takao}, issue = {679}, journal = {日本機械学会論文集. A編, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. A}, month = {Mar}, note = {In the present study a detection method of an overload application during stress cycles under constant amplitude was investigated. Also, the effect of a tensile overload was shown at three stress ratios: R = 0, -1.5, in order to understand the effects of R on crack propagation after an overload. At a baseline of R = 0, after an overload retardation in the crack propagation was observed. However, in the case of R = -1.5, the fatigue crack growth rate actually accelerated after a tensile overload. That behavior of crack propagation was tried to be detected by the information of strain waveform h; h = ε_y + 1.2λε_x, where, ε_y and ε_x are the local strains at the specimen axis, and λ is the strain range ratio Δε_y/Δε_x. The waveform shape of h was changed after the overloading. Also, the application of an overload can be detected by the variation of the strain range ratio λ. Specially, the present method is useful for cases of the crack propagation stage under negative R conditions., 論文}, pages = {140--146}, title = {疲労き裂伝ぱ過程における過大荷重負荷履歴の検知手法}, volume = {69}, year = {2003} }