@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001234, author = {井上, 講四 and Inoue, Kohshi}, issue = {55}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {I have been made a serial approach to the Shift to the Lifelong Learning System. This is the fifth approach concerning it.\nIn this paper, I intend to argue the necessity for reconstruction of the standpoints of School Education and to make clear the perspectives on this topic according to the Japanese situations.\nThe main remarks of this are as follows.\n(1) In Japan, nowadays, so many problems of the school education are illuminated out in verious aspects. But, those problems are to be solved as a whole problem of education and they are, in deed, requiring more practical procedures in order to do so.\n(2) One of the procedures is so-called the Shift to the Lifelong Learning System and it is needed to reconstruct the previous standpoints of school education to realize it. Namely, the reconstruction has two elements, vertical integration and horizontal integration.\n(3) The school education is a most important subsystem to form the Lifelong Learning System and that to be requied now is to recover or reconstruct the wholeness and circulation of educations on the verious places in the society.\n(4) In addition, the new role and vision of the compulsory education which is forced to refine its meanings will be led through it.\n(5) It is the shift to the Lifelong Learning system to make the procedures above mentioned., 紀要論文}, pages = {121--138}, title = {「生涯学習体系への移行」に向けての制度論的アプローチ (5) : 新たなる学校論構築の必要性}, year = {1999} }