@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001547, author = {與那嶺, 春奈 and 戸崎, 敬子 and Yonamine, Haruna and Tozaki, Noriko}, issue = {8}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部障害児教育実践センター紀要, The bulletin of the Research and Clinical Center for Handicapped Children}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to clarify the actual conditions of the part-time individual integration of special school children with disabilities into regular schools in their residential districts in Okinawa Prefecture. We surveyed 28 teachers who took charge of the integrated educational program in the department of the elementary course and the lower secondary course of 14 special schools. This paper analyzed the result of the survey. and discussed the way to improve the conditions of this type of integration.\nThe outlines of the conclusion were as follows: 1) the executing rate of this type of integration was 85.7% in the dept. of the elementary course and 35.7% in the dept. of the lower secondary course of the schools. 2) the first case of this type of integration in Okinawa Prefecture started in 1994 and the cases have increased since 1999. 3) the reasons why the integration started, came from the needs of parents and children themselves. 4) the integration was held in ordinary lessons, school events and interchange after school or during recess. 5) each child who participated in the integration had to attend with his or her parent. teacher or both. The attendance was a burden for parents and teachers. 6) the attendance of parents or teachers was pointed out as the most difficult problem in the elementary school level and the content of study was the most difficult problem in the lower secondary school level. and 7) the administration should prepare the basic educational conditions and the guidelines to improve the situation., 紀要論文}, pages = {29--50}, title = {沖縄県における居住地校交流の実態 : 質問紙調査の結果と考察}, year = {2007} }