@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001624, author = {和宇慶, 琢磨 and 山城, 毅 and 渡久地, 實 and Wauke, Takuma and Yamashiro, Tsuyoshi and Toguchi, Minoru}, issue = {61}, journal = {琉球大学工学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {In Okinawa, There is an original stringed instrument which is called "Sanshin". These musical instruments are played based on it is own score called "Kunkunsi". In this paper, we proposed how to transcript the sound of the Sanshin when it is played to the musical note. As preprocessing we attempt pitch distinction of Sanshin sound. For distinction the pitch we tried by the overtone spectrum deletion method. In addition, we got the attack time of the Sanshin sound by use the sharpness of standing up of it. The distinction with this method was done from an actual consecutive Sanshin sound, and good results were obtained about the single sound., 紀要論文}, pages = {85--89}, title = {倍音スペクトル削除法による三線音の音高判別}, year = {2001} }