@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001625, author = {粟國, 朝英 and 山城, 毅 and 渡久地, 實 and Awakuni, Tomohide and Yamashiro, Tsuyoshi and Toguchi, Minoru}, issue = {61}, journal = {琉球大学工学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Sanshin is three stringed musical instruments in Okinawa. In spite of the Sanshin is in Okinawa for 600 years ago, it is not scientifically analyzed about the character and the timbre as musical instruments. This paper is described the comparison of Sanshin and another stringed musical instruments (piano and guitar) about their shape of waves and their spectrum. Moreover, this paper is written about some results of experiments, such as the analysis of resonance between strings of Sanshin and the analysis of vibration of Sao. (Sao is a neck of Sanshin), 紀要論文}, pages = {91--95}, title = {三線(サンシン)の音色に関する総合的な評価(1)}, year = {2001} }