@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001944, author = {富永, 大介 and 下地, 恭子 and Tominaga, Daisuke and Shimoji, Yasuko}, issue = {54}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部紀要 第一部・第二部}, note = {Eighty-seven hospitalized chronic schizophrenia patients were tested with the Trail Making Test(TMT) and the Modified Mini Mental Test (3MS). Patients were divided into 3 groups, respectively 20-30s years, 40s years, and 50s years patient groups. The analysis was based on whether a patient can perform the mixed-figure of TMT. 3MS comprising 15 tests were classified as dementia, memory-concept, copy-writing and appellation-executive order category. It was showed that about 40 % of chronic schizophrenia patients, irrespective of their age, were not able to perform the mixed-figure of TMT. Also, the score of 3MS decreased in the function of their age. Each age-groups showed a lower score in the memory-concept category of 3MS. The lower score of the memory-concept category was correlated with failure in the performance of the mixed-figure of TMT. Hence, it was suggested that chronic schizophrenia patients might have cognitive dysfunction related to the frontal and temporal lobes., 紀要論文}, pages = {469--474}, title = {トレール・メーキング検査 (TMT) と修正簡易精神症状検査 (3MS) による慢性分裂病者の神経心理学的特徴} }