@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001992, author = {Chen, Yen-Wei and Nakao, Zensho and Arakaki, Kouichi and 陳, 延偉 and 仲尾, 善勝}, issue = {52}, journal = {琉球大学工学部紀要}, note = {In this paper, a new nonlinear technique based on genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed for reconstruction of penumbral images. In GA, the reconstruction problem is modeled as an optimization problem, whose cost function is to be minimized. The technique allows distortion-free reconstruction over a large field of view. Furthermore, because in GA the complicated a priori constraints can be easily incorporated by the appropriate modification of the cost function, the algorithm is also very tolerant of the noise., 紀要論文}, pages = {165--170}, title = {Neutron Penumbral Imaging : 2. Distortion-Free Reconstruction by Genetic Algorithms} }