@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002046, author = {永山, 泰彦 and 小倉, 剛 and 川島, 由次 and Nagayama, Yasuhiko and Ogura, Go and Kawashima, Yoshitsugu}, issue = {2}, journal = {哺乳類科学, Mammalian science}, note = {沖縄島と奄美大島に移入されたマングースは,1990年代以降ジャワマングース(Herpestes javanicus)として扱われている(阿部,1991,1993b;小倉ほか,1998).本論文ではこれまでの同定結果について,頭骨の計量形質による統計学的検証を行なうために両島嶼で捕獲された個体の頭骨を計測し,基本統計量を求め,主成分分析とクラスター分析を実施した.各測定値の平均値は,沖縄島産H.javanicusが奄美大島産H.javanicusよりも全体的にやや大きい傾向にあった.また,両島産のH.javanicusはほとんどの形質で,雄が大きく,明らかな性的二型を示した.主成分分析ならびにクラスター分析では,沖縄島産と奄美大島産は雌雄ともに極めて類似した頭骨形態である結果を得,同種であると同時に,H.javanicusであると考えられた.今回得られた結論は,これまでの外部形態および頭骨形態などによる見解(阿部,1991,1993b;小倉ほか,1998;関口ほか,2001)を強く追認するものである., In this study, we have statistical verified the skull morphometry of the mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) found on Okinawa and Amami Ohshima Islands. The measurements reveal that the skulls of the Okinawa mongoose were bigger than those of the Amami Ohshima mongoose. There was obviously sexual dimorphism because most of the measurement found the male skulls to be bigger than the female skulls. Principal components analysis showed strong resemblance between Okinawa and Amami Ohshima mongooses. It has been suggested that mongooses on both islands are of the conspcific, and they are most closely related to Herpestes javanicus. The hierarchical cluster analysis also showed a similar result in principal components analysis. The morphometry of skulls and the known historical fact that Okinawa mongoose was brought to the delta of the Ganges River estuary, lead to the conclusion that Okinawa mongoose is most closely related to Herpestes javanicus auropunctatus. This conclusion supports the views of Abe (1991 1993b), Ogura et al. (1998) and Sekiguchi et al. (2001)., 論文}, pages = {159--169}, title = {沖縄島と奄美大島に棲息するジャワマングース(Herpestes javanicus)の頭骨計量計測に基づいた種の統計学的検証}, volume = {41} }