@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002053, author = {西本, 裕輝 and Nishimoto, Hiroki}, issue = {56}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部紀要}, note = {The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between sociometric status or social power status and resources in Japanese classrooms.\nAccording to Hargreaves (1972), there are two forms of status within informal structure. The one is a sociometric status hierarchy based on liking (popularity), the other is a social power status hierarchy based on power. And a resource is a basis which can bring popularity and power.\nIn order to examine his theory, fourteen classrooms were surveyed. In this research, the following results were obtained:\n(1) There are resources in classroom, and they have positive impacts on popularity and power.\n(2) There are six kinds of resources in classroom. They are "consideration", "cheerfulness", "achievement", "appearance", "possession" and "activity".\n(3) There is a general property which would be regarded as a resource in every groups. They are "consideration" and "cheerfulness".\n(4) "Appearance" is one of the most important resource in classroom.\n(5) The structure of a group is closely linked with its culture. It is because a resource and the culture are interrelated., 紀要論文}, pages = {115--128}, title = {学級における子どもの資源と地位ヒエラルヒー : D.H.ハーグリーヴスの集団分析枠組の検討を中心に} }