@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002065, author = {嘉数, 朝子 and 砂川, 裕子 and 井上, 厚 and Kakazu, Tomoko and Sunagawa, Yuko and Inoue, Atushi}, issue = {56}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部紀要}, note = {The present study was to investigate the coping strategies in elementary school children, and relationship between stress responses and social support. The survey about coping, and subjective symptoms and perceived social support were conducted with 3ed and 5th grade elementary school children. We also investigated the difference of situation, study and friend. The results showed that: 1) Children frequently used avoidance and emotional support. 2) Boys frequently used aggressive individual coping and avoidance, girls used social cooperation. 3) Children who frequently used avoidance and emotional support showed the highest scores of stress responses. 4) The social support alleviated stress more effectively in girls than in boys. 5) The 3ed grade children had high scores on each coping than 5th grade children. 6) The domain specific effects were found. There are significant deference between study and friend situation. Children are coping differently by situation., 紀要論文}, pages = {343--358}, title = {児童のストレスに影響を及ぼす要因についての検討 : ソーシャルサポート、対処行動} }