@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002082, author = {東江, 康治 and 石川, 清治 and 嘉数, 朝子 and Agarie, Yasuharu and Isikawa, Kiyoharu and Kakazu, Tomoko}, issue = {27}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部紀要 第二部}, note = {The Learning Preference Scale-Students (LPSS) developed by L. Owens and R.G. Straton(1980) was translated into Japanese and modified to suit the local situation. The adapted 30-item scale was tried out with 158 fifth grade children in an elementary school in Naha, Okinawa. Through whole-parts correlations, 6 items each for the co-operative, competitive, and indivisualised learning preference sub-scales were selected. The Speannan-Brown coefficients of reliability were .631 for the cooperative, .628 for the competitive, and .657 for the indivisualised sub-scale. The factorial validity of the shortened version was determined by subjecting its 18 items to principal factor analysis. A five-factor solution revealed that each of the first three factors contained at least 5 items of a particular subscale., 紀要論文}, pages = {11--20}, title = {協同・競争・個別的学習方式に対する選好度の測定 : 学習選好尺度の作成} }