@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002468, author = {Yonemori, Tokuichi and 米盛, 徳市}, issue = {19}, journal = {琉球大学経済研究}, month = {}, note = {This paper concerns further discussion of waiting time distribution and entropy (average uncertainty) experienced by left-turning cars that face traffic, and serve in order of arrival, and wait for service in one queue as long as necessary. The left-turning cars cross street as soon as a required gap between two cars developes. What would happen to the left-turning cars if the distances between successive cars are independently, identically distributed, and the crossing time of the left-turning cars is constant, or exponentially distributed? In this paper, the GI!G!M model, the M!D!M model and M!M!M model are discussed., 紀要論文}, pages = {241--278}, title = {Waiting Time Distribution and Entropy (Average Uncertainty) on Left-Turning against Traffic (PART 2)}, year = {1978} }