@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002583, author = {宜保, 清一 and 中村, 真也 and 金城, 志保 and Gibo, Seiichi and Nakamura, Shinya and Kinjo, Shiho}, issue = {47}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, note = {地質弱面がすべり面に転化した斜面崩壊について, 残留係数を導入して安定解析を行った。得られた知見は以下に示すとおりである。(1) すべり面全域で破砕ピーク強度または残留強度のいずれかが動員されたと想定して, それぞれF_s=3.27,F_s=0.16を得たが, これらの数値では崩壊の状況を説明できない。(2) 崩壊は, その直前(F_s=1.01)から発生時(F_s=0.98)への移行過程で残留係数Rが0.727から0.737へと微増していることから, 進行性破壊に因るものと説明できる。(3) 地質弱面を内在する不安定斜面において, 弱面の内在状況を把握して残留係数Rを想定し, 弱面付近試料の強度定数を活用することにより安定度評価が可能になる。, The occurrence mechanism of the slope failure generated along the geological weak plane was considered using the stability analysis in which the residual factor R was incorporated. Assuming that either peak strength or the residual strength was mobilized on the slip surface, F_s=3.27 for the former and F_s=0.16 for the latter were obtained. However, the situation of the failure could not be explained in these values. The failure can be explained in the progressive failure, because residual factor R slightly increases from 0.727 to 0.737 with the change from F_s=1.01 to F_s=0.98. The evaluation of the stability of the unstable slope with the geological weak plane becomes possible by utilizing shear strength of the sample near the weak plane and assumed the residual factor R., 紀要論文}, pages = {75--81}, title = {地質弱面をすべり面とする斜面崩壊に関する一考察} }