@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002607, author = {イテャワンデイ, イン and 篠原, 武夫 and ダルスマ, ドゥドゥン and Ichwandi, Iin and Shinohara, Takeo and Darusman, Dudung}, issue = {51}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, note = {インドネシア開発計画の初期投資において大面積の天然林を有する同国は,国の収入を生み出すため,林業部門を振興した.この目標を実現するために,同国政府は国内投資促進のための税の優遇措置,丸太輸出の規制および禁止,輸出用製材品への高い税と最低価格の設定,輸出促進といっ力経済手段を伴う政策を打ち出した.その結果,森林伐採梅と製材・合板業は数と生産能力の両面で急速に増加した.発展を続ける木材産業の成功は持続可能な森林資源経営によってもたらされているのではない.森林伐探梅の履行初めに導入されたインドネシア択伐法は大面積の天然林の劣化をもたらしている.木材産業は高い生産能力を有しており,短期間で供給できる丸太を求めているが,しかし天然林は持続的でない森林施薬の結果,かなり減少している.新しい政府の政策によって天然林資源と同様に木材産業も安定的に育成されるにちがいない, To finance the beginning of Indonesian development plans, Indonesia, which has a large natural forest, promoted forestry sector for generating national income. To realize this goal, Indonesian government issued some policies with economic instrument such as tax holiday for domestic investment, restriction and ban of logs export, a high tax and a minimum price on exported sawntimber, and export promot ion. As a consequence, forest concession and then sawntimber and plywood industries grew rapidly, both on number and capacity. Success on developing timber-based industries has not been followed by the successful management of forest resources. A Selective cutting (TPTI), which was introduced at the beginning of the implementation of forest concession, caused natural forest degradation on a large area. A high installed production capacity of timber-based industries needs logs, which are in short supply because natural forest has declined considerably as a result of unsustainable forest practices. Some new government policies must be set up to ensure the Indonesian timber-based industries as well as natural forest resources., 紀要論文}, pages = {33--41}, title = {インドネシアの林産物輸出拡大政策と木材市場の特徴に関する研究} }