@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002615, author = {新城, 俊也 and 小宮, 康明 and 永吉, 功治 and 国吉, 真文 and Shinjo, Toshiya and Komiya, Yasuaki and Nagayoshi, Koji and Kuniyoshi, Masafumi}, issue = {51}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, note = {砂と鋼材との摩擦特性に及ぼす粒径と程度の影響を明らかにするために,一面せん断試験装置を用いて種々の粒径のガラスビーズおよび豊浦砂と鋼材の程度を変えた摩擦試験を実施した.得られた主な結果を以下に示す.1)砂と鋼材の摩擦力は,粒径と程度の両方の影響を受けており程度と粒径の比であるR_/D_<50>に大きく依存している.2)砂と鋼材の摩擦角は, R_/D_<50>が増加するとともに増大するがR_/D_<50>=0.4以上ではほぼ一定値を示す.3)そのときの鋼材との摩擦角は,砂のピーク時の内部摩擦角ではなく限界状態の内部摩擦角に対応している., In this paper the relationship between particle size and roughness of steel was examined in order to clarify the sand-steel interface behavior. The friction tests were carried out on steel plates and glass beads. It was found that R_/D_<50>, a ratio of particle size (D_<50>) and roughness (R_) of steel, had significant influence on the friction angle of steel-glass bead. Friction angle increases in the increasing Rmax/Dso and is remained to constant value in the range of R_/D_<50>>0.4. Friction angle of sand-steel in the range of Rmax/D5o>0.4 coincides with the internal friction angle of sand in critical state., 紀要論文}, pages = {101--106}, title = {砂と鋼材の摩擦特性に及ぼす粒径と粗度の影響} }