@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002619, author = {仲宗根, 洋子 and Nakasone, Yoko}, issue = {51}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, note = {インドネシア産含蜜糖のヤシ糖および甘蔗糖に関する成分組成をしらべ、沖縄産黒糖と比較した。ヤシ糖と甘蔗糖のショ糖、還元糖および水分含量は、試料間に差異が認められた。これらの成分は黒糖とも異なっていた。含蜜糖の主なアミノ酸は酸性アミノ酸であった。ヤシ糖は甘蔗糖よりもグルタミン酸が多く、甘蔗糖はアスパラギン酸およびアスパラギンが主成分であった。乳酸とともにピログルタミン酸はヤシ糖の主要成分であり、アコニット酸はヤシ糖にはほとんど存在せず甘蔗糖に特有の有機酸であった。このような甘味、酸味、旨味の成分特性の結果は、とくにヤシ糖がインドネシアの伝統的調味料の製造原料として有効に機能していることを裏付けた。終わりに、1991年から1994年にかけてジャワ島各地の新鮮試料の送付の便宜をばかりかつ御恵与下さいました元東京農業大学教授松山晃氏に深謝いたします。, Non-centrifugal sugars were produced from two types of plant sources namely palms and sugar cane in Java Islands of Indonesia. Reducing sugar, organic acid and amino acid composition of five kinds of palm sugar and two kinds of cane sugar were analysed using HPLC. These composition were compared with Kokuto, a non-centrifugal cane sugar produced in Okinawa, Japan. Cane sugars had a high content of aconitic acid, which was not almost detected in palm sugars. On the other hand, palm sugars showed high content of lactic acid and acetic acid. The main and common amino acids in samples were acidic amino acids ; Glu in palm sugar and Asp and Asn in cane sugar. Amino acid and organic acid composition of cane sugars were similar to that of Kokuto. Moisture and reducing sugar contents of palm and cane sugars were higher than those of Kokuto, while the sucrose content and the pH value showed a opposite trend. Therefore, it can be suggested that the reducing sugar, sucrose, organic acid and specially, amino acid (high in glutamic acid content) composition is exploited in production of good quality traditional seasonings in Indonesia., 紀要論文}, pages = {127--130}, title = {インドネシア産ヤシ糖と甘蔗糖の糖、有機酸およびアミノ酸組成} }