@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002673, author = {于, 彦 and 篠原, 武夫 and Yu, Yan and Shinohara, Takeo}, issue = {48}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, note = {国有林の経営活動は国家の経済改革の影響を強く受け,大きな曲がり角を迎えている。計画経済体制下に作られ肥大化した伊春林業管理局が国家による庇護がなくなりつつある現在と将来においては,市場経済体制への移行に生き残れるか,どのようにしてこの試練を乗り越えるかということは伊春林業管理局だけではなく,国有林の全体が直面している問題であると言えるだろう。これらの問題の解決は国家として,部門として,企業自身として,もう少し時間をかけて検討していく必要がであろう。さらにこうした状況の中で,国有林の新たな展開にとっての大きな目標である地元への経済的貢献と国民への奉仕との両立がどのように達成されるのか,今後とも黒竜江国有林の社会主義市場経済体制の進展に注目していきたい。, Yichun Forestry Management Bureau is known as a forest area where the development tempo is the fastest, and the scale is the biggest in China's Heilungjiang national forest. This thesis used Yichun Forestry Management Bureau as a study target. The thesis analyzed the characteristics of national forest enterprise system reform, after China's Economic Reform. It stressed on the formation of new production management method, the continuation of production responsibility system, the adjustment of industry and change of life structures, and the development of multiple management and forest management in the above-mentioned area. On the basis of all these analyses, the thesis gave a comprehensive evaluation of the effect of national forest economic reform in Yichun Forestry Management Bureau, and clarified the success and problems clearly. Promotion of economic reform in Yichun Forestry Management Bureau has brought diversification of production management method, improvement of standard of living, development of multiple management and forest management, and formation of forestry processing industry. In the near future, from the development of local economy, we can expect an economic contribution to the local area, service to the people, increase of income, and stabilization of lo-, 紀要論文}, pages = {53--60}, title = {経済改革以降における国有林の新たな展開 : 中国黒竜江伊春林業管理局を事例として} }