@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002710, author = {新城, 明久 and 寺田, 直樹 and 菅, 大助 and 砂川, 勝徳 and Shinjo, Akihisa and Terada, Naoki and Suga, Daisuke and Sunagawa, Katsunori}, issue = {45}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, note = {バガスを食物繊維として活用を検討するため, マウスの成長, 繁殖成績及び消化器官の形態に及ぼす微粉末バガスの影響を調査した。標準飼料を給与したマウス(8頭)を対照区, 標準飼料に微粉末バガスを25%配合したものを給与したマウス(7頭)をバガス区とした。マウスの23日齢から9週間における増体量, 飼料摂取量, 飼料要求率は, 対照区がそれぞれ16.9g, 278g 16.6,バガス区は12.5g, 318g, 25.8で, 対照区に比較しバガス区が飼料の摂取量は多いが, 増体量は低かった。成長試験終了後交配したマウスの分娩率, 産子数および生時体重は対照区がそれぞれ75%, 9.2頭, 1.6gであったが, バガス区は100%, 8.4頭, 1.6gで, 繁殖率はバガス区がやや高かった。産子数は対照区の方が多い傾向にあるが, 生時体重には両区の差はなかった。分娩後測定した消化器の形態は, バガス区が大腸が長く, 胃腸重は重かった。しかし, 小腸の長さには両区に差はなかった。以上の結果から, バガスは食物繊維として利用が可能であることが示唆された。, The present experiment was carried out using the bagasse as dietary fiber. Seven mice were fed on the commercial standard diet containing 25% of fine particle bagasse ad libitum and 8 mice were fed on only standard diet. Mice were observed on growth curve for 9 weeks, from 23 to 86 days of age, on reproduction from 86 to 188 days of age, and on digestive organs at age afterwards. The gain of body weight, feed intake and feed conversion ratio for 9 weeks in the control and the bagasse feed were 16.9 and 12.5g, 278.3 and 318.3g, and 16.6 and 25.8,respectively. The gain of body weight in the bagasse feed was lower than that in the control. The feed intake and feed conversion ratio, however, in the bagasse feed were higher than those in the control. The delivering rate, litter size and birth weight in the control and the bagasse feed were 75 and 100%, 9.2 and 8.4 pups, and 1.6 and 1.6g, respectively. The delivering rate and litter size in the bagasse feed were slightly higher and smaller, respectively than those in the control. The length of small intestine, in the control and the bagasse feed were 41.9 and 44.0cm, respectively; whereas the length of the large intestine were 10.5 and 12.1cm, respectively. Furthermore, weight of the stomach, and the small intestine and the large intestine that designated as the digestive organs in the control and in the bagasse feed were 4.0 and 4.6g, respectively. The length of the small intestine as well as the large intestine and the weight of the digestive organs in the bagasse feed were longer and heavier than those in the control. These results suggested that the bagasse can be used as the dietary fiber., 紀要論文}, pages = {29--33}, title = {マウスの成長,繁殖および消化器官に及ぼす微粉末バガスの影響} }