@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002719, author = {ホサイン, アムザド and 仲村, 一郎 and 石嶺, 行男 and 村山, 盛一 and 芝山, 秀次郎 and 續, 栄治 and Hossain, Amzad and Nakamura, Ichiro and Ishimine, Yukio and Murayama, Seiichi and Shibayama, Hidejiro and Tsuzuki, Eiji}, issue = {45}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, note = {サトウキビとハイキビの混植条件下における,それぞれの栽植密度の違いによる相互の影響を検討するために以下の実験を行った。実験Iでは,サトウキビ1節苗に対しハイキビ地下茎0,2,4及び8本をポットに混植,更に実験IIでは,ハイキビ地下茎4本植えにそれぞれサトウキビ苗0,1,2,3及び4本をポットに混植し,サトウキビとハイキビの生育調査を行った。実験Iの結果,ハイキビの主茎伸長,地上部及び地下茎の生育量はサトウキビの影響で有意に減少した(Fig.1,Table 1)。サトウキビ混植条件下におけるハイキビの生産量は,ハイキビの密度が高くなるに従い,ポット当たりでは増加したが,栽植本数当たりでは減少した(Table 1)。このときのサトウキビによる抑制率は26∿49%であった(Table 4)。また,サトウキビ密度が高くなるに連れ有意に減少し(Table 2,3),抑制率は65∿80%であった。実験IIの結果,サトウキビの密度が高くなると,ハイキビの生産量は減少し,ハイキビによるサトウキビ1株当たりの抑制率も減少した(Table 5)。また,サトウキビの茎長,原料茎数,根重,地上部重,収量は,サトウキビの密度が高くなるに連れ,株当たりでは減少したが,ポット当たりでは増加した。しかしながらブリックスへの影響は見られなかった(Table 7)。ハイキビ混植条件下におけるサトウキビ1節苗に対し,2ないし3倍植えでは,サトウキビ収量が51∿81%増加し,ハイキビの生産量を25∿49%に抑える事ができた事から,ある限界までのサトウキビ高密度植えは,ハイキビの生育を抑え,サトウキビ収量を増加させる作付け方法の1つになると思われた。, Weed densities of 0,2,4 and 8/sugarcane/pot (experiment I), and sugarcane densities of 0,1,2,3 and 4/4 weeds/pot (expt. II) were studied to evaluate interaction between sugarcane and torpedograss (Panicum repens L.). In expt. I, sugarcane reduced total torpedograss biomass by 26-49%. Weed biomass per pot in sugarcane was increased as the weed density was increased while per weed plant biomass was decreased. The weed reduced sugarcane yield by 65-80%. Yield was decreased as the weed density was increased. Brix percentage (%) was slightly higher in weed infested sugarcane. In expt. II, weed biomass was decreased as the sugarcane density was increased. Weed suppression ability of per sugarcane plant was decreased as the sugarcane density was increased. Higher sugarcane density increased growth and yield parameters of sugarcane per pot in weed infested treatments while the parameters per sugarcane plant were decreased. Sugarcane densities of 2,3 and 4 recorded increased yield by 51,81 and 87%, respectively, and they recorded decreased weed biomass by 25,49 and 56%, accordingly compared to weed infested single (1) sugarcane. Sugarcane density of 4 showed thin culm and lower stalk length, and increased a little amount of yield than the density of 3. Effects of sugarcane densities were not observed on brix %. The experiment showed that higher density of sugarcane up to a certain limitation is one of the important ways to control torpedograss and to increase sugarcane yield., 紀要論文}, pages = {167--183}, title = {サトウキビとハイキビの競合} }