@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002739, author = {篠原, 武夫 and 福仲, 憲 and Shinohara, Takeo and Fukunaka, Ken}, issue = {44}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, note = {當山製材所は製材用原木を購入して, 矢板, パレット, 家具材を生産・販売しており, 経営は順調である。石垣市挽物事業協同組合ではテリハボク等の原木を購入して盆, 家具類, 盛器等の挽物製品を生産・販売しているが, 安定した販売ルートが確立していない。2しいたけ生産者では生しいたけの販売価格は上がらず, 安い台湾産や県外産の生しいたけが県内に入り, 経営は苦しい状況にある。しいたけ生産者にとっては原木入手難も生じている。瀬良垣緑化木生産組合では生産した緑化木は恩納村農業協同組合を通して本土市場へ売っており, 経営は順調である。5林業事業体は生産面や流通=販売面等にいくらかの悩みをかかえながら, 地域の雇用の促進と林業の振興に貢献している。今後, 地域の林業を一層活性化し, 林業就業者の就業の安定を一層図るためには, 行政側の今まで以上の協力と支援を得ながら, 林業事業体自らが経営の改善に積極的に努めることが大切であろう。, The purpose of this study is to reveal the actual conditions and problems of management in five forestry organizations in which working of forestry laborers are thought to be stable. This research was done in August 1989. Toyama Saw Mill buys sawlogs and produces sheet pile, pallet, furniture timber and sells them. The management condition is good. The Wood Turnery Enterprise Cooperative of Ishigaki-shi (city) buys sawlogs of Calophyllum inophyllum L. etc. and produces various wood turneries of trays, furniture, bowls etc. and sells them. The cooperative does not have stable selling route of goods. The fresh Shiitake mushroom management of two cultivators are not good because the selling price of the mushroom has not gone up and the cheap mushroom in prices has been imported from Taiwan and other prefectures in mainland. The difficulty in obtaining bedlog for shiitake mushroom culture faces the caltivator. They suffer from economic distress. The Seragaki Revegetation Tree Production Cooperative produces various revegetation trees and sells them to mainland market through Onna-son (village) Agricultural Cooperative. The management conditions of the cooperative are good. Five Forestry Organizations have some problems in production and distribution (sale), but have contributed to employment promotion and forestry development in regions., 紀要論文}, pages = {219--227}, title = {沖縄県における林業事業体の経営に関する研究} }