@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002740, author = {篠原, 武夫 and 于, 彦 and 福仲, 憲 and Shinohara, Takeo and Yu, Yan and Fukunaka, Ken}, issue = {44}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, note = {沖縄北部森林組合の主な事業は森林病害虫(松くい虫)防除事業,森林造成事業であり,生しいたけ,たけのこ,木炭などの特用林産物の販売やユーカリ事業も注目される。国頭村森林組合の主な事業は素材生産,森林造成,森林病害虫(松くい虫)防除,木材チップ,集成材,フローリングの生産・販売である。最近の急激な円高の影響により木材チップの生産は相当に減少している。沖縄森林組合連合会の主な事業は山行苗,薬剤などを含む購買,森林造成,森林病害虫(松くい虫)防除,支柱材などの販売である。2組合及び県森連の作業班員は高齢化が進行している。以上のように2組合及び県森連は森林保護,林業生産,木材加工,林産物流通,雇用面等に大きな役割を果たしており,地域林業の中核的担い手として林業振興に努めている。, This paper describes the management characteristics of the Okinawa Hokubu (Northern) Forestry Cooperative, the Kunigami son (village) Forestry Cooperative and the Okinawa Prefectural Federation of Forestry Cooperative. All sorts of works (sale, purchase and use, etc.) and labor force organization (working crew) of these two forestry cooperatives and one Prefectural Federation are clearly investigated and analyzed. The main works of the Okinawa Hokubu Forestry Cooperative are forest disease and pests (pine bark beetle) extermination and forest cultivation. The sale work of special forest products, such as fresh Shiitake mushroom, bamboo shoot and charcoal, and Eucalyptus work are also paid attention. The Kunigami Forestry Cooperative's main works are log production, forest cultivation, forest disease and pests extermination, and the production and sale of wood chip, laminated wood and flooring. The production of wood chip suffers a considerable decrease under the influence of the sudden high yen rate. The main works of the Okinawa Prefectural Federation of Forestry Cooperative are purchase including field-run seedling and forestry drugs etc., forest cultivation, forest disease and pests extermination, and the sale of supporting wood, etc. The workers of the working crews of the two forestry cooperatives and one Prefectural Federation are suffering from a problem of advanced aging. These three forestry organizations have contributed to forestry development. This study was conducted by Yan Yu under the supervision of Prof Dr. Takeo Shimohara., 紀要論文}, pages = {229--238}, title = {最近の沖縄本島における森林組合と沖縄県森林連合会の経営に関する研究} }