@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002773, author = {大城, 政一 and 中前, 均 and 古田, 賢治 and 平川, 守彦 and 日越, 博信 and Oshiro, Seiichi and Nakamae, Hitoshi and Furuta, Kenji and Hirakawa, Morihiko and Higoshi, Hironobu}, issue = {42}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {本実験は牛舎内環境下黒毛和種における, 反芻行動と血液成分の相関関係について検討を行った。実験動物は頸静脈カテーテルを装着した黒毛和種成雌4頭を供試した, 実験動物は牛舎内スタンチョンに繋養し, 反芻行動, 採食(咀嚼)行動および血液成分を測定し, 反芻行動および採食行動と血液成分の相関係数を検討した。反芻行動は10 : 00と16 : 00の給餌刺激による影響を認めなかったが, 採食行動は10 : 00と16 : 00に増加を示した。反芻行動は遊離脂肪酸含量と有意な正の相関を示し, 特に反芻回数はCa含量と有意な正の相関を示した。採食行動はグルコース含量, 中性脂肪含量, および酢酸含量と正の相関を示し, 特に咀嚼回数はCa含量, 尿素態窒素含量, アルグミン含量およびA/G比とも有意な正の相関を示した。, The experiments were conducted to study the relationship of rumination and blood compositions under the artificial light in a barn. Ruminating behavior, masticating behavior and blood compositions of animals tested were measured and analyzed. In the feeding at 10 : 00 and 16 : 00,ruminating behavior was not changed during a day, but masticating behavior was increased at feeding of 10 : 00 and 16 : 00. The coefficient of the correlation between ruminating behavior (Number of boli and ruminating time) and free fatty acid was r=0.653 and 0.704 significantly (P<0.05-0.01), especially, the coefficient of correlation between number of boli and calucium was correlated (r=0.655,P<0.05-0.01). Masticating behavior (Number of mastication and masticating time) was correlated to glucose, phospholipids, and acetic acid, especially, number of mastication was correlated to calucium albumin and A/G rate Urea-N., 紀要論文}, pages = {39--45}, title = {黒毛和種における反芻行動と血液成分の相関関係(生物生産学科)}, year = {1995} }