@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002777, author = {仲間, 勇栄 and Nakama, Yuei}, issue = {42}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {山原の大半の人々は, 森林伐採・ダム建設・農地造成などによって, 野生の動植物が減少し, また, 土砂の流出が増え, さらに河川水の流量が減った, と見ているようである。とくに, 森林伐採や農地造成による河川や海の汚濁については, 約8割もの人々がかなり厳しい見方をしている。どちらかといえば, 高校生の方が, 自然環境の改変に対しては敏感で, 厳しい判断を下している。木材生産のための森林伐採については, 現在行われている伐採方法や伐採面積に対する批判的な見方が強い。林道建設については, その経済的メリットよりも, その作り方に問題があると指摘している人が, 優位を占めている。ダム建設についての見方は, ダム隣接集落では, 集落にとってプラスになっていないと評価し, また, それ以外の集落では北部地域の経済発展に寄与している点を評価している。森林を切り開いて農地を造成することについては, 6割の人々が農業振興と地域経済発展のために必要だと答えているが, 高校生では自然破壊と何とも言えないと答えた人が多く, 若者の農業開発に対する意識のズレを見せている。開発と自然保護については, 全体の約5割の人々, つまり二人に一人が自然保護優先と答えている。とくに, 高校生の場合, 自然保護指向が強い。これからの開発と自然保護のあり方については, 自然を保護しながら, 開発を進める方を選択した人が75%と最も多い。開発か保護か, 極端な二者択一論ではなく, 自然を保護しながら開発を進めていく, つまり, 開発と自然保護との調和を最も望ましい姿だと, 山原の人々は考えているようである。, A opinion polls was conducted to examine the attitudes of the local people in Yambaru, the northern part of mainland Okinawa, towards forest development and nature conservation. Questionnaire forms were given to 238 residents over 20 years old in three communities in the Yambaru area and to 135 students at a local high school. The results of the questionaire are summarized as follows : 1) Most of the Yambaru inhabitants expressed that forest development, dam construction, and land reclamation have caused decreases in the numbers of wild animals and plants, an increase in soil erosion, and a reduction of stream flows. In particular, nearly 80% of the respondents felt that river and sea contamination caused by forest logging and land reclamation was a serious problem. Especially senior high school students showed deep concerns over on the changes to the natural environment. 2) Forestry : many adult respondents were critical of the felling method currently practiced, and the size of area to be felled. 3) Forestry road construction : adult respondents who agreed that the problem lies in the method of construction rather than its questionable economic benefits, were majority. 4) Dam construction : adult respondents living in the vicinity of the dam sites estimate that there was little benefits accruing to the community. However, respondents living away from the dam sites recognized that the construction of dams contributed to the economic development of the northern part of Okinawa. 5) Size of area to be felled and land reclamation : 60% of the adult respondents cited the necessity for agricultural and regional economic development. On the other hand, the majority of the senior high school students responded favored nature conservation over economic development. There was a considerable difference in attitude between the local adults and senior high school students. 6) Development and nature conservation : approximately 50% of the adults gave priority to nature protection, and senior high school students showed an even stronger interest in nature conservation. 7) The method of future development and nature conservation : a 75% majority of all respondents, both adults and students, chose a method of furthering economic development while protecting nature. The respondents in Yambaru felt that it was not a question of choice between development and nature conservation but rather of harmony between development and nature conservation., 紀要論文}, pages = {81--90}, title = {沖縄山原の森林開発と自然保護に関する地域住民の意識調査(生物生産学科)}, year = {1995} }