@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002791, author = {秋永, 孝義 and 和田, 博幸 and 國府田, 佳弘 and Akinaga, Takayoshi and Wada, Hiroyuki and Kohda, Yoshihiro}, issue = {41}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {沖縄県産熱帯果実の代謝生理を知るために3種類の果実について温度と呼吸量の関係を測定したところ, 以下のことが明らかとなった。1)呼吸量の温度依存式としてArrhenius式及びGore式を用いて解析した結果, 測定値は両式によく一致した。2)呼吸量は完熟で果皮が薄く貯蔵力の弱いマンゴ, 7分熟で果皮が薄いパパイヤ, 完熟で果皮の厚いパインアップルの順に高かった。3)生理障害が生じたと推定される温度は完熟パインアップルは9.4℃, 完熟マンゴは7.6℃, パパイヤは11.0℃であった。4) Q_<10>値はパインアップル, マンゴでは低温域で高く, パパイヤでは高温域で高くなった。以上より今回の測定で得られた結果は, 収穫後から貯蔵にいたる果実の代謝生理を容易に知る手段として, 他の果実にも適用でき, 貯蔵装置の設計, 貯蔵中の品質評価を行う上での一つの指標となるものと考えられる。, The respiration rate of fresh fruits and vegetables have the fundamental significance in transportation and storage, but there were few data available on respiration of Okinawan grown fruits in wide range of temperatures. In this study, the relationships between respiration rate and temperature of Okinawan grown fruits were measured by carbon dioxide absorption method. Respiration is one of the biochemical reaction, and it is one of chemical reaction velocity. The relationships between respiration rate and temperature were fitted to Arrhenius's equation and Gore's equation (Modified Arrhenius's equation). The respiration heat known as vital heat in kJ per ton per day was obtained multiplying the respiration rate of milligrams of CO_2 per kilogram per hour by a factor of 9.62. Respiration rate of pineapples, mangoes and papayas were measured. It was found that mangoes showed the highest respiration rate, pineapples showed the lowest respiration rate and respiration rate in these tropical fruits were fitted to Arrhenius's equation and Gore's equation and chilling injury estimated zone was assumed 9.4℃ for pineapples, 7.6℃ for mangoes and 11.0℃ for papayas., 紀要論文}, pages = {161--167}, title = {沖縄県産熱帯果実の呼吸特性に関する研究(生物生産学科)}, year = {1994} }