@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002795, author = {上野, 正実 and 鹿内, 健志 and 岡安, 崇史 and Ueno, Masami and Shikanai, Takeshi and Okayasu, Takashi}, issue = {41}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究では, 車輪の走行性に関する問題を弾塑性有限要素法を用いて解析した。計算結果の妥当性を検討するため, 土槽における車輪走行実験結果との比較を試みた。けん引力, 土中のひずみ分布については実験結果とほぼ一致する結果が得られた。しかし, トルクについては, 解析値の方が実験値より小さく表れており, その原因の解明は, 今後の検討課題としたい。さらに, 回転がさらに進んだ状態で出現する定常状態の解析まで行うために, 解析プログラムを改良するとともに, 境界条件処理に関する修正計算の高速化を図る必要がある。, In this study, a problem related with traveling performances of a wheel was analyzed by an elasto-plastic Finite Element Method. The extended subloading surface model proposed by Hashiguchi in plasticity was employed to formulate the FEM. In addition, some modifying loops were introduced into the algorithm of the FEM to estimate properly the interaction at the contact area between a wheel and a soil. Analytical results were compared with experimental those obtained under same conditions to verify the applicability of analysis. Traction and strain distributions in the soil by the FEM agreed well to those by experiments. On the other hand, the values of torque by the FEM were less than the experimental those because of the difference of traveling resistance by each method. It is necessary to improve the treatment of boundary conditions and speed up the calculation for analyzing the stationary conditions., 紀要論文}, pages = {193--200}, title = {弾塑性有限要素法による車輪走行問題の解析(生物生産学科)}, year = {1994} }