@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002797, author = {安里, 練雄 and 平田, 永二 and 生沢, 均 and 寺園, 隆一 and Asato, Isao and Hirata, Eiji and Ikuzawa, Hitoshi and Terazono, Ryuichi}, issue = {41}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {荒廃林地の育林施業を改善するために, 1978年にリュウキュウマツを播種し, 施肥, 肥料木を植栽した試験地を設定した。14年経過した現在の林分の状況を調査し施業効果を分析した。1.試験地全体がリュウキュウマツの人工林に成育しているが, 一般的な林分に比べて成長は悪く, 樹形も貧弱である。2.成育の初期段階(3年生)で施肥の効果は顕著であった。その影響は今日にまで及んでおり, 施肥区の樹高は高い。3.肥料木としてのヤマモモは成育が良く, リュウキュウマツの成長に有効である。しかし, ソウシジュは殆ど全てが枯死した。4.地ごしらえに際し, 植え穴の大きさや耕耘の深さの違いによる効果は期待できない。, In 1978,seeding and fertilizing of Pinus luchuensis as well as planting of soil improving trees were conducted and experimental site was established in order to improve the silvicultural operation of denuded forest land. 14 years later, the condition of the present stand was surveyed and the effect of operation was analized. 1. Man-made forest of Pinus luchuensis grow up in the whole experimental site, but comparing this to the general stand the growth was bad. 2. The effect of fertilization was remarkable in the early stage of growth (3 years old). This influence extends presently. 3. The growth of Myrica rubra as a soil improving tree was good, and it gave a good result to the growth of Pinus luchuensis. All of Acacia confusa died. 4. Concerning site preparation, the effect on the difference in the size of the planting hole and tilling deep can not be expected., 紀要論文}, pages = {217--223}, title = {荒廃林地における森林育成のための施肥と肥料木植栽の効果(生物生産学科)}, year = {1994} }