@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002805, author = {中須賀, 常雄 and 丸田, 智彦 and 岸本, 司 and Nakasuga, Tuneo and Maruta, Tomohiko and Kisimoto, Tukasa}, issue = {41}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {1.メヒルギ植栽用の培地及び植栽床高について, 沖縄本島宜野座村漢那ダム下流河道部及び琉球大学構内の温室内で, 1993年4月∿10月間に実験を行った。2.培地の材料は, 漢那ダム下流付近の国頭マーヂ(赤黄色土), 石炭灰及び腐葉土である。3.培地は, 漢那試験区では, A培地;国頭マーヂ+石炭灰(容積比7 : 3)及びB培地;国頭マーヂ+石炭灰+腐葉土(1 : 1 : 1)である。温室内実験では, C培地;国頭マーヂ+石炭灰(0%, 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%)の5区, D培地;C培地の各区に腐葉土を10%混入した5区を設定した。また, 漢那試験区の植栽床面高は基準面より+60cm(H区), +34cm(M区), 及び+7cm(L区)の3区である。なお, 漢那試験区はボックス法, 温室内試験区はポット法で実験した。4.漢那試験区では, メヒルギの初期生長は培地間で大きい差がみられなかったが, 植栽床面高間には有意な差がみられ, M区で最良であった。温室内試験区では腐葉土を混入しない培地の方で初期生長は良好で, 石炭灰混入率は10∿30%区で良好であった。, Early growth of Kandelia candel seedlings was examined under two different soil types and three levels of planting bed at Kanna River, Okinawa Island (Exp. 1). And the other examined the effect of mixed fly ash to the early growth of K. candel seedlings in the greenhouse, University of the Ryukyus (Exp. 2). The soil types of Exp. 1 were, A; mixed soil of yellow soil, and fly ash (7 : 3 in volume), B; mixed soil of yellow soil, fly ash and leaf compost (in same volume), and the soil types of Exp. 2 were, C; mixed soil of yellow soil and fly ash of different percentages, 0%, 10%, 30%, 50%, and 70%, D; mixed soil of leaf compopst and C soil type. The three levels of planting bed were, low level (7cm elevation), medium level (34cm elevation) and high level (60cm elevation). The results were summarized as follows; Experiment I Early growth of K. candel seedlings was not significant between the two different soil types. However, it was significant in 1% level between the three different bed levels. Experiment II Early growth of K. candel seedlings was best at the mixed soil of 10% fly ash in the C soil type, and the mixed soil of 30% fly ash in the D soil type. From these results, it should be said that the mixed soil of yellow soil and fly ash (under 30% in volume) was useful for planting soil of K. candel seedlings. The level of planting bed has strong effects to the early growth of K. candel seedlings and good growth was obtained on the bed level under 34cm elevation., 紀要論文}, pages = {291--298}, title = {メヒルギ植栽基礎試験(生産環境学科)}, year = {1994} }