@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002871, author = {当山, 清善 and 石原, 昌信 and Toyama, Seizen and Ishihara, Masanobu}, issue = {38}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {42時間麹に製糖麹中の20時間麹を混合して発酵原料に供する方式で泡盛の醸造試験を行ない,各種成分の変化について調べた。42時間麹と20時間麹を等量混合すると,それぞれ単独の場合よりもアルコール生成量が高かった。発酵3日目に20時間麹をモロミヘ加えても発酵開始時に添加した系とほぼ同量のアルコール生成量がみられ,順調な発酵が観察された。時間差麹を用いた発酵における最適な汲水割合及び発酵温度はそれぞれ1.5∿1.6及び20∿30℃の範囲であった。発酵4日間で全二酸化炭素量の93.5%に相当するガスが発生し,1日当たりのガス発生量は発酵2日目で最大値を示した。, Effects of the combination of 20-hours-making Koji and 42-hours-making Koji of Aspergillus awamori 3142 on the production of ethanol in Awamori brewing were investigated. The alcohol fermentaion was carried out at 30℃ for 8 days in a 500-ml-Erlenmeyer flask containing mixed-koji, tap water and yeast of Saccharomyces cerevisiae SH-4. High yield of ethanol production was achived with a combination of 20-hours-making Koji and 42-hours-making Koji with the same amounts before fermentation. Ethanol fermentation was performed smoothly even 20-hours-making Koji were added to the mash of 42-hours-making Koji after 3 days of fermentaion. The most favorable water-to-Koji ratio and temperature for fermentaion were 1.5-1.6 and 20-30℃, respectively. About 93.5% of the total volume of CO_2 which was another major end product evolved in 4 days of fermentaion, and gas evolution per day was maximum at 2 days., 紀要論文}, pages = {235--242}, title = {時間差麹を用いた泡盛の製造に関する研究(生物資源科学科)}, year = {1991} }