@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002874, author = {安田, 正昭 and 佐藤, 充宏 and 坂口, 真樹 and 石原, 昌信 and 当山, 清善 and Yasuda, Masaaki and Sato, Atsuhiro and Sakaguchi, Maki and Ishihara, Masanobu and Toyama, Seizen}, issue = {38}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {(1) 泡盛麹菌の選抜優良泡盛麹菌を検索するためにアミラーゼ活性と生酸力を指標として琉球大学農学部における保存菌株(25菌株)と沖縄県工業試験場における保存菌株(4菌株)の合計29菌株について比較検討を行った。その結果,α-アミラーゼ活性の高い菌株(2株),糖化力の高い菌株(2株),生酸性の高い菌株(1株)の合計5菌株を選定した。(2) 選抜菌株の微生物学的性質選抜5菌株の微生物学的性質を調べた。その結果,選抜菌株間では,胞子の着生状態,コロニーの大きさ,ヨウ素ーデンプン反応の消失幅の大きさ,菌そうの色調,亜硝酸同化性などにそれぞれ差異のあることがわかった。(3) 酵素活性及び生酸力の高い麹製造法の検討酵素活性及び生酸力でバランスのとれた3142菌を用いて麹の酵素活性及び生酸力に及ぼす原料米の種類と蒸煮方法の検討を行った。その結果,常圧蒸煮方法ではウルチ米を,加圧蒸煮法ではタイ国産砕米を使用することが適切であることがわかった。, Awamori koji prepared by growing Aspergillus awamori on steamed rice is a very important material for the production of awamori beverage which is a traditional distilled liquor in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. In awamori beverage production, the strain which has high amylolytic enzyme activities and acidity is needed. In this study, production of the amylolytic enzyme activities and acids was investigated with twenty-nine strains in Aspergillus awamori. As the results, two strains which had high α-amylase activities, two strains which had high saccharifying abilities, and one strain which produced a high acidity were selected. Microbial characteristics such as states of spore, sizes of colony, disappearances of iodo-starch reaction, colors of mycerial tuft and spore, and assimilation of sodium nitrite varied among the strains of Aspergillus awamori. The highest production of each enzyme activities and acidity was obtained by employing atmospheric non-glutinous rice or by autoclaved broken rice from Thailand., 紀要論文}, pages = {255--262}, title = {優良泡盛麹菌の検索と製麹条件の検討(生物資源科学科)}, year = {1991} }