@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002902, author = {大屋, 一弘 and 喜名, 景秀 and Oya, Kazuhiro and Kina, Keishu}, issue = {36}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {暗赤色土サトウキビ畑におけるケイ酸に関する知見を得るため,宮古島8ヵ所,糸満市4ヵ所計12ヵ所の暗赤色土サトウキビ畑(1985年夏植え)について1986年6月∿12月にかけて土壌pH,土壌可溶性ケイ酸含量,サトウキビ葉身及び葉鞘のケイ酸含有率などを調べた。結果は以下の通りであった。調査圃場では土壌pHがサトウキビ栽培の適性値(pH6.0∿7.0)にあるものは少なかった。土壌の可溶性ケイ酸は約6∿100/100gの範囲にあったが,6月より10月に減少しており,この減少の程度は酸性土壌で大きかった。また土壌のpH(H_2O及びKCl)と可溶性ケイ酸の間には統計的に有意(5%)な正の相関関係が認められた。サトウキビ葉身及び葉鞘のケイ酸含有率は両者とも6月から12月に向けて高くなる傾向がみられた。ケイ酸含有率において葉身と葉鞘に大きな差は見られなかったが,同含有率のばらつきは葉鞘で小さい傾向がみられた。土壌の可溶性ケイ酸含量とサトウキビ葉身・葉鞘のケイ酸含有率の間には多くの場合有意な正の相関関係が認められた。但し相関関係は6月の土壌可溶性ケイ酸含量対8月の葉身・葉鞘のケイ酸含有率及び10月の土壌可溶性ケイ酸含量対12月の葉身・葉鞘のケイ酸含有率でより大きくなる傾向があり,サトウキビ植物体におけるケイ酸の吸収移動には時間のかかることが伺われた。, Silicon in not regarded as essential nutrient element for the plant. The authors, however, think that this element may have some favorable effects on the grwoth and sugar production of the cane crop, for this crop absorbs a quantity of silica as its nature, and that it is necessary to study silica status in the soil in relation to sugarcane production. Soil pH, soluble silica in the soil as determined by exraction with a normal pH 4.0 acetic acid buffer solution, and percent silica in the cane leaf blade and sheath were investigated on 12 fields of Dark Red soil in 1986. The fields had been planted to sugarcane (NCo : 310) in late summer of the previous year, and covered 8 in Miyako-Jima Island and 4 in Itoman-City of Okinawa Island. Four samples of soil, 0 to 15cm in depth, were also collected from each cane field in June and October, and 4 samples of fully developed No. 1 to 3 cane leaf blades and sheaths were also collected from each field in 2 month intervals from June to December, 1986. The soil pH values ranged from acid to alkaline, and those of only 2 fields were in the preferable range between pH 6.0 and 7.0. The contents of soluble silica in the soil ranged from 6 to 100mg/100g, and they tended to decrease from June to October. The degree of the decrease was more in the acid soils than that in the alkaline soils. There were significant positive correlations at the 5% level between the pH values with both water and a normal potassium chloride solution and the contents of soluble silica in the soil. Percent silica of the cane leaf blades and sheaths tended to increase from June to December. There were little difference in the percent silica between the cane leaf blades and sheaths. Percent of covariance in the percent silica of leaf sheaths leaf blades and sheaths. Percent of covariance in the percent silica of leaf sheaths appeared to be lesser than those of the leaf blades when compared among the samples from the same field. There were also significant positive correlations between the contents of soluble silica in soil and the percent silica of the cane leaf blades and sheaths in many cases. It was assumed that absorption and movement of silica would be slow in the cane plant, becuase the correlation coefficient as determined in consecutive months was indicative to show a time lag between the percent silica of the leaf blades and sheaths and the contents of soluble silica in the soil., 紀要論文}, pages = {25--31}, title = {第 3 報暗赤色土の pH と可溶性ケイ酸(サトウキビ増収法に関する土壌肥料学的研究)(農芸化学科)}, year = {1989} }