@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002912, author = {林, 弘也 and 垂内, 朋美 and 古橋, 健一 and Hayashi, Hiroya and Tareuchi, Tomomi and Furuhashi, Kenichi}, issue = {36}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {写真上でデジタイザを用いる方法と顕微鏡と接眼マイクロメータを用いたポイントカウント法を併用して, 沖縄島産の広葉樹散孔材7樹種について横断面の管孔径, 構成要素の面積割合を計測し, 1生長輪内の分布状態を検討した。散孔材の管孔径は, 1生長輪内の位置によって大きく変動する樹種, ほぼ一定である樹種がある。クスノキ, シバニッケイ, ヤブニッケイ, ホウノキ, カツラ, エゴノキ材は変動し, イスノキ材は一定であった。管孔径, 管孔の面積割合は早材と晩材とでは明らかに異なり, いずれも早材が晩材よりも大であった。散孔材の構成要素の割合は管孔と木部繊維が0.70∿0.85を占め, 生長輪内の位置による変動もある。その他の構成要素の割合は小さく, 生長輪内の位置による変動も比較的小さかった。クスノキ, シバニッケイ, ヤブニッケイ材の管孔は管孔径に関係なく, ほぼ一定の面積割合を示す傾向にあり, イスノキ材は面積割合に関係なく, ほぼ一定の管孔径を示す傾向にあった。, Variation of vessel diameter and area fraction of elements in one growth ring on cross section of seven diffuse porous woods were presented. Vessel diameter and area fraction was measured by the digitizor with a personal computer and the dot-grid eyepiece. Vessel diameter and area fractions of elements in early and late wood were disscused and distinction of the measured values was drawn between early and late wood. Vessel diameter of examined diffuse porous woods were varried at the position of a growth ring and had some variation patterns of vessel diameter in one growth ring. Vessel diameter and area fraction of elements were different early wood and late wood in statistically and both values were greater in early wood than late wood. It was drawn from the relation between vessel diameter and area fraction of vessels as follows : vessels of KUSUNOKI, SHIBANIKKEI and YABUNIKKEI wood had a tendency to scatter in some area fraction and vessels of ISUNOKI wood had a tendency to scatter in some vessel diameter. Area fraction of vessels was greater than fraction of fibers in KATSURA wood and area fraction of fibers was over 0.50 in other six woods., 紀要論文}, pages = {123--129}, title = {散孔材生長輪の細胞構造(林学科)}, year = {1989} }