@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002926, author = {林, 弘也 and 大浦, 正嗣 and Hayashi, Hiroya and Ooura, Masashi}, issue = {35}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {仮道管の内腔に認められる仮道管壁の変位線は生長輪内の材部による差異はあまり認められないが, 断面による差異が認められた。切線断面の変位線では, 傾斜角は90°, 長さの類型はa型が最も多いが, その他の傾斜角や長さの類型もあり, ばらつきがあった。放射断面の変位線では, 傾斜角は90°, 長さの類型はa型にほぼ限られていた。, There were two categories of the research on the failure process of wood. One of them was the researches on the changes of cell wall structure with a polarized microscope and the other was the researches on the changes of cell form with a light microscope or an electron microscope. Scince a polarized microscope and an electron microscope were fundamentally different, results of research used these equipments could not relate directly each other. It was required to relate these categories of research each other to understand the failure process from micro sturucture of cell wall to macro sturucture of wood. In this article, it was discussed a form of deformation on tracheid wall detected with an electron microscope. And the experimental results were summerized as follows. Deformation lines were almost same form in early, trasition and late wood but they varied with each section. In radial section, deformation lines were 90 degrees of inclination angle to fiber axis and one type of deformation line. In tangential section, they varied widely both inclination angle and a type of deformation line., 紀要論文}, pages = {101--104}, title = {仮道管壁に生じた圧縮変位(林学科)}, year = {1988} }