@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002938, author = {本郷, 富士弥 and 川島, 由次 and 多和田, 真吉 and 砂川, 勝徳 and 諸見里, 秀宰 and Hongo, Fujiya and Kawashima, Yoshitsugu and Tawata, Shinkichi and Sunagawa, Katsunori and Moromizato, Syusai}, issue = {34}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {沖縄在来種およびジアイアントタイプとして知られている高木型系統のギンネム3品種(K-8,K-28,K-72a)の成分上の特性を知る一端として, 一般化学組成とミモシン含量を調査し, つぎのような結果を得た。茎葉部4品種の一般化学組成は, 乾物量26.1∿28.1%(平均27.5%), 粗たん白質22.1∿23.4%(平均22.7%), 粗脂肪4.6∿6.1%(平均5.7%), 粗灰分5.9∿7.3%(平均6.6%), 粗繊維14.3∿16.0%(平均15.0%)および可溶性無窒素物43.4∿51.7%(平均50.0%)の範囲にあり, 品種間で著しい差異は認められなかった。木質部と樹皮部4品種の一般化学組成は, 木質部の90%以上, また樹皮部の70%以上は, 炭水化物系物質で占められており, いずれの品種においても木質部は粗繊維が62.2∿63.2%(平均62.8%)の範囲, 樹皮部では可溶性無窒素物含量45.4∿57.1%(平均511%)の範囲にありそれぞれ最も高い値を示していた。各成分の木質部における品種間の著しい差異はみられなかったが, 樹皮部においては粗たん白質含量でK-28が16.6%と最も高い値を示した。ミモシンは, すべての部位に存在し, 4品種のミモシン含量の平均値は約3.3%であり, 品種の違いによる目立った差異は認められなかった。また, 生長の盛んな若葉に最も多く含まれており8.6∿9.4%(平均9.1%)の含量範囲にあった。しかし, 根部や木質部の含量は極めて低い値を示しそれぞれの平均値は0.1および0.4%程度であった。, In order to know the specific character of Leucaena, an investigation was made of the chemical composition and mimosine content of the Okinawan native strain and of three high-tree types (K8,K28 and K72a), which are known as giant-type strains. The chemical composition of the vegetative parts of the four strains was 26.1-28.1% (average, 27.5%) dry-matter weight, and 22.1-23.4% (average, 22.7%) crude protein, 4.6-6.1% (average, 5.7%) crude fat, 5.9-7.3% (average, 6.6%) crude ash, 14.3-16.0% (average, 15.0%) crude fiber, and 43.4-51.7% (average, 50.0%) nitrogen free extract. There was no significant difference between the strains, as regards this proportions. As for the chemical composition of the wood and the bark among the four strains, more than 90% of the wood and more than 70% of the bark was comprised of carbohydrate materials. In all strains, the crude fiber in the wood was in the range of 62.2-63.2% (average, 62.8%) and the nitrogen free extract in the bark was in the range of 45.4-51.7% (average, 51.1%). No significant differences in the composition of the wood was observed between the strains, though the crude protein in the bark of K28 showed 16.6%, which was the highest value. The mimosine was distributed throughout all parts of all strains with an average total per strain of about 3.3%. In total percentage, there were no significant differences between the strains. However, mimosine was distributed in the largest amount in the younger leaves, the fastest growing part of the plant, with the range of the mimosine content being 8.6-9.4% (average, 9.1%). The mimosine content of the root and of the wood exhibited very low values, which were 0.1 and 0.4%, respectively., 紀要論文}, pages = {51--57}, title = {ギンネムの一般成分組成とミモシン含量について(畜産学科)}, year = {1987} }