@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002952, author = {石原, 昌信 and 大久保, 勉 and 与那覇, 和雄 and 当山, 清善 and Ishihara, Masanobu and Ohkubo, Tsutomu and Yonaha, Kazuo and Toyama, Seizen}, issue = {33}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {0.6m^3容大型発酵槽にて馴養したスラッジに生甘藷アルコール蒸留廃液を混合しpH7.5,37℃でメタン発酵を行い, ガス生成経過, 発生ガス量及び発生ガス中のメタン含量等について調べた。蒸留廃液を7日間メタン発酵して得られる総発生ガス量は廃液の有機物kg当たり819ℓで, その90%は発酵5日間で発生した。発生ガス中のメタン含量は69.8%に達した。発酵1日目から有機酸(酢酸, プロピオン酸等)の蓄積がみられたが, 発酵3日目以後は減少した。廃液を5日毎, 半連続的に添加した発酵で発生するガス量は廃液の有機物kg当たり860ℓで, メタン含量は70.6%であった。廃液を連日添加する連続発酵における最大ガス発生量は有機物kg当たり889ℓであった。, Methane fermentation of the alcohol stillage derived from raw sweet potato tuber was carried out at 37℃, pH 7.5 in a pilot-scale fermentor (0.6m^3) containing the sludge which was previously acclimated to the same substrate, and following results were obtained. The total gas evolved was 819 L per kg of organic matter of the substrate and the methane ratio was 62%. About 90% of the total volume of gas evolved in 5 days. The volatile acids were mainly accumulated at the first day of fermentation and decreased gradually during the fermentation process. Gas production in the semicontinuous and continuous fermentation were 860 L (CH_4,70.6%) and 889 L (CH_4,62.3%) per kg of the organic matter of the stillage, respectively., 紀要論文}, pages = {95--102}, title = {甘藷芋アルコール蒸留液のメタン発酵 : 第 2 報大型発酵槽を用いた発酵(農芸化学科)}, year = {1986} }