@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002971, author = {新城, 明久 and 及川, 卓郎 and 笹沼, 清孝 and Shinjo, Akihisa and Oikawa, Takuro and Sasanuma, Kiyotaka}, issue = {32}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {ウタイチャーンは鳴鶏として愛玩用に飼養されている。この鶏の起源は中国又は東南アジアであろうと思われ, 他の日本鶏とは遺伝子構成が異なっていると考察した。体型測定値の95%信頼区間は体重は雄と雌で1.8∿1.9kg, 1.3∿1.5kg, 頭幅は32∿33mm, 29∿30mm, 尻幅は90∿93mm, 80∿85mm, 尺骨長92∿94mm, 76∿79mm, 脚長は104∿107mm, 82∿87mmであった。卵重は42∿46g, 短径は37∿39mm, 長径は50∿52mmであった。変異のない外ぼう上の遺伝形質としては, 肉髯がなく, 顎ひげを有し, 顔の肉色が赤く, 単冠で, 横斑がないことであった。変異のある遺伝形質としては, 羽色が白色(16%), 黒色(57%)及び五色(29%)である。笹は雄のみに出現し, 顎・鞍羽の銀が97%で, 笹を持たないのが3%であった。五色の雄は覆翼と背に金を持つ個体(32%)であった。耳朶は, 雄はすべて赤で, 雌は赤が74%, 白が26%であった。脚ひげを持つ雄が2羽だけ出現した。, Utaichahns, Okinawan native chickens, have been maintained as fancier's delight for cockcrowing. It has been speculated that the chickens originated in China or Southeast Asia, and they are different from other Japanese native chickens in genetic composition. Body parts of Utaichahns were measured in this study. The 95 percent confidence intervals of body weight, width of skull, hip width, length of ulna and shank length of adult cocks (n=87) and hens (n=39) were 1.8∿1.9kg and 1.3∿1.5kg, 32∿33mm and 29∿30mm, 90∿93mm and 80∿85mm, 92∿94mm and 76∿79mm, and 104∿107mm and 82∿87mm, respectively. The 43 eggs from eight hens of one to two years old were measured for the weight, breadth and length, which were 42∿46g, 37∿39mm and 50∿52mm, respectively. The morpho-genetic characteristics were checked from other samples of 147 cocks and 82 hens. Indicating non-polymonophicity, each chicken of the sample group had beards, single comb and red color face, and did not have wattles and bars. On the other hand, feathered legs and colors of feathers, shanks and ear lobes were polymonophic characteristics. The phenotypic frequencies of white, black and brown (or wild type) colored feathers were 16% (gene frequency; q_c=0.3965), 57% (q_E=0.4631) and 29% (q_e+=0.5369), respectively. Percentage of the cocks with silver hackles and saddle feathers was 97.3% and those without them was 2.7%. All the hens did not have silver and gold feathers. Percentage of the cocks with gold wing-coverts and back feathers, i.e., wild type feathers, was 32.0%. All of the cocks had red color ear lobes. But of the 82 hens, 74.4% had red color ear lobes, and 25.6% white color lobes. Only two cocks (1.4%) had feathered legs, and other cocks and all the hens did not have feathers on legs., 紀要論文}, pages = {91--98}, title = {ウタイチャーン(沖縄地鶏)の体型測定値と外部形態的遺伝形質(畜産学科)}, year = {1985} }