@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002978, author = {中須賀, 常雄 and 馬場, 繁幸 and 神田, 秀義 and Nakasuga, Tsuneo and Baba, Shigeyuki and Kanda, Hidechika}, issue = {32}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {沖縄群島, 慶良間諸島の座間味島において, 1983年7月∿10月間に, ビロウを主とする林分の構造について帯状区を設定して調査した。調査結果は以下のとおりである。1.本林分の上層木は35樹種で構成され, 生立木本数は3,710本/ha, そのうちビロウが625本/ha, 胸高断面積合計は0.449%, ビロウは0.208%, 樹冠面積合計は調査区の171%, ビロウが45%とビロウが最優占している。ビロウ以外の樹種ではタブノキ, エゴノキ, ヤブニッケイ, モチノキ, フカノキ, カクレミノ, ヒメユズリハ, ハゼノキ, ホルトノキなどが優占し, 上位10樹種で上記各項目の80%以上を占めている。2.林分構造からみて, 本地のビロウ林ではビロウ・タブノキ林及びビロウ・エゴノキ林の2型に区分された。前者は後者より風当りの強い, 乾燥した立地に成林していた。3.ビロウとその他の樹種とは別々の群をなし, 群状にモザイク分布をなしている。ビロウ群はビロウ成木, 幼・稚樹からなるより小さい集中斑をなし, 広葉樹群は小・中径木からなるビロウより大きい集中斑を形成している。4.座間味島のビロウ林は約12haの分布面積を有し, ビロウ成木の分布は6,120本と推定された。, The distributional and composite pattern of the Fan palm (Livistona chinensis var. subglobosa) forest in the eastern part of Zamami Island, Okinawa Islands was studied from July to October, 1983. The results were summarized as follows : 1. Two belts were set up at 110m altitude on a southern slope of Ufudake and Hisadake. 2. There were 35 species of upper trees in the belts. The number of upper trees in the belts was 3,710 per hectare, the total basal area was 0.449% and the total crown area was 171% of the belt area. The values of the Fan palm trees were 625 per hectare, 0.208% and 45% of the belt area, respectively. The Fan palm tree was the dominant species found in the both belts. 3. There were two types of the Fan palm forest in this area from the stand structure. One was the Livistona-Persea type and the other was Livistona-Styrax type. The former type had severe habitat than that of later one. 4. The Fan palm and broad leaved trees had clusters, and the Fan palm clusters were composed of adult, sub-adult, sapling and seedling of same species, broad leaved tree clusters were composed of smaller and medium diameter trees of 34 species. These clusters showed mosaic distributional patterns. 5. From the results of this research, it was estimated that the area of the Fan palm forest was about 12 hectare and there were 6,120 trees in Zamami Island., 紀要論文}, pages = {149--159}, title = {ビロウ林に関する研究 : (I) 座間味島ビロウ林の林分構造(林学科)}, year = {1985} }