@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002995, author = {新城, 明久 and 山内, 浩 and 笹沼, 清孝 and 及川, 卓郎 and Shinjo, Akihisa and Yamauchi, Hiroshi and Sasanuma, Kiyotaka and Oikawa, Takuro}, issue = {31}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Nov}, note = {沖縄県における子牛の10部位の体型測定値から1∿11か月齢までの発育値の平均値, 上限値及び下限値を2次回帰式により推定した。さらに飼養地間比較をすると宮古島と沖縄島が優れ, 石垣島と伊江島が劣っていた。種雄牛間では篤郎と照姫3が優れ, 福岩田と第33守玉が劣っていた。, The body measurements of ten items were done in 1,230 heifers and 802 steers which were raised in Ishigaki, Miyako, Okinawa and Ie island in Okinawa prefecture. Growth curve of the calves at 1 to 11 months old were estimated with upper and lower boundary by quadratic regression. The body measurements were compared among the islands of raising and 10 sires. Body measurements of the calves in Miyako and Okinawa island were generally higher than those in Ishigaki and Ie island. The body measurements of the calves sired by Tokuro and Teruhime were significantly higher than those sired by the other sires, and those sired by Fukuiwata and Dai-33-moritama were significantly lower than those sired by the other sires., 紀要論文}, pages = {73--77}, title = {黒毛和種子牛の体型測定値に関する発育値の推定, 飼養地間及び種雄牛間比較(畜産学科)}, year = {1984} }