@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003016, author = {佐藤, 茂俊 and 新城, 長有 and Sato, Shigetoshi and Shinjo, Choyu}, issue = {30}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Nov}, note = {イネ出穂期の遺伝ならびに稔性回復遺伝子, Rƒ_1および第7染色体を含む5種の転座点と出穂期との連鎖研究を行った。1. 供試相互転座系統はいずれも第7染色体に座乗する主働的な早生遺伝子を持つことが示唆された。2. RT7-8a, RT7-8bおよびRT7-9の3相互転座系統は晩生旭に由来する系統であることから, 晩生旭は第7染色体に座位する早生遺伝子を保持していると結論した。3. 感光性の日本イネ品種が幼穂形成し得る自然日長条件での実験で, 出穂期の分離が生じたこと, ならびに早生形質が優性であったことから, 本早生遺伝子は基本栄養生長性遺伝子であると推定された。4. 第7染色体に座乗する出穂期遺伝子に関する報告がないことから, 本早生遺伝子は新しい出穂期遺伝子であると考えられた。, Inheritance of duration from sowing to heading in rice, Oryza sativa L. and linkage relations between the trait, and fertility-restoring gene, Rf_1 and five kinds of interchange breakpoints involving the seventh chromosome were studied in three-way crosses, B_<19>(Boro)rf_1-T65×{RT-line×B_<12>(Boro)Rf_1-T65}, where two lines, B_<19>(Boro)rf_1-T65 and B_<12>(Boro)Rf_1-T65 were isogenic lines of Taichung 65 (japonica cultiva having basic vegetative genes). Out of RT-lines used, T 3-7 was thermo-sensitive, and the others were photoperiod-sensitive. In each cross, dominat eariness gene (s) were segregated, which linked with the Rf_1 gene and respective interchange breakpoints (Tables 3,4 and 5). A result suggested that each RT-line had eariness gene (s) locating on the seventh chromosome, for the gene, Rf_1 is carried by the chromosome. Three RT-lines, RT 7-8a, RT 7-8b and RT 7-9 were produced from the same cultiva, Okute-asahi. Therefore, it was concluded that the variety carried dominant eariness gene (s) on the seventh chromosome. Crossed populations were cultivated in the second crop season (August to November) in an experimental field of the University of the Ryukyus (26°16′N). Natural daylength in the duration of panicle initiation of segregants was estimated to be shorter than 12 hours and 40 minutes, which lies on the range of oputimum daylength for panicle initiation of a line carrying the strongest photoperiod-sensitive allele, Lm^u on the Lm locus which is considered to be one of loci controlling heading time of Japanese cultiva. Accordingly, the eariness gene (s) observed in the present study under oputimum natural daylength were estimated as basic vegetative gene (s), The estimation was indirectly supported by the segregation mode, with eariness dominant to lateness, for photoperiod-sensitive genes are generally dominant to insensitive, and short basic-vegetative phase is controlled by dominant genes., 紀要論文}, pages = {145--153}, title = {イネ出穂期の遺伝に関する一実験(農学科)}, year = {1983} }