@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003045, author = {米盛, 重保 and Yonemori, Shigeyasu}, issue = {30}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Nov}, note = {沖縄における春作マスクメロンの品種比較試験を無加温条件下のガラス室で1982年3月∿6月に実施した。供試品種は17品種で, 草丈, 葉数, 雌花着生, 果実品質等について調査した。各品種とも順調な生育がみられた無加温下での短期栽培が確認された。特に定植後20日∿30日における草丈伸長や出葉数は旺盛で1日当りの草丈伸長は7.8cm, 出葉数は1枚であった。果実の良否に大きな影響をおよぼす雌花の着生状況は比較的良好で9節∿15節の雌花着生率は78.7%, 各節位における雌花着生は5∿6節から始まり10節以上の節位では90%以上の雌花着生率を示した。果実の着果節位はほとんどの品種が11節目に集中しており理想節位に着果した。果実の品質は品種間差が大きく, アールス東海S-78とシーザーを除き果重が1,300∿1,600gで果形は偏平形を呈していた。糖度, ネット形成, 食味ではアールス春系の3品種は栽培管理の困難さがあって順調な結果が出ずネットの不形成や糖度不足が多かった。果肉色, 果皮色は品種特有で, 果肉色は白色, 果皮色は緑色を基色とした濃淡差がみられた。白裕は果肉色果皮色とも乳黄色で従来見られなかった乳黄色ネットメロンとして特異な品種である。病害虫による被害はツルガレ病以外の病虫害はほとんど問題なかった。ツルガレ病は全品種に被害を及ぼし枯死株が続出した。沖縄における春作マスクメロン栽培の可否はツルガレ病対策が重要な課題と思われる。本試験の実施にあたり供試品種の種子を提供下さった前記各種苗会社に深く感謝の意を表します。また本試験は実用規模での栽培であったため多大な労力を必要とした。その面で協力をいただいた農学科学生の糸洲朝光, 喜納兼二, 島袋つかさ, 仲田ひろみ, 林真人の諸君に深く感謝する。また本報告の校閲をしていただいた農場長の大屋一弘教授に深く感謝の意を表します。, Investigations were carried out on growth characteristics, flowering habits, fruits qualities and infection of disease (gummy stem blight) for 17 varieties of muskmelon in a glasshouse without artificial heating for the period of March to June 1982. All of the muskmelon varieties grew up almost smoothly, any growth hindrance on account of low temperature was not observed. Elongation of the plants and the development of the leaves were very remarkable at 20 to 30 days after transplanting, and the growing period was relatively short. The setting rate of female flowers was 78.7% at the 9th to 15th nodes from the bottom. Female flowers began to set from the 5th to 6th node and showed 90% of setting rate above the 10th node. Most of the varieties set a fruit at the 11th node that was considered as an ideal node to produce good quality fruits. The fruitquality, however, varied with the varieties. The fruit weight were from 1300 to 16000(g). The shape of the fruit was rather flat for the most varieties except Earls-Tokai-S-78 and Ceaser. Three varieties of Earls-Haru pedigree showed rather poor results in forming, sugar concentration and taste, because it was difficult to cultivate them under this experiment condition. The color and the skin of the fruits varied among the varieties. The basic color of the fruits and the skins were white and green, respectively. An only variety of Byakuyu was yellowish white in both the fruit and the skin. This was considered a peculiar variety that was introduced to Okinawa in the past. The plants were not damaged from any disease and insect pest except gummy stem blight, which infected all varieties caused to die at a high rate. Consequently, how to prevent gummy stem blight was considered as an important problem when muskmelons were cultivated in Okinawa in this season., 紀要論文}, pages = {633--640}, title = {沖縄における春作マスクメロンの品種比較について(農学部付属農場)}, year = {1983} }