@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003060, author = {國府田, 佳弘 and 山本, 宏樹 and 秋永, 孝義 and 泉, 裕巳 and 上野, 正実 and Kohda, Yoshihiro and Yamamoto, Hiroki and Akinaga, Takayoshi and Izumi, Hiromi and Ueno, Masami}, issue = {29}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {小麦粉ドウの熱レオロジー的挙動を求めるために, 軟質及び硬質の小麦粉のドウの各種温度及び振動数における動的粘性及び弾性を求め, 次の挙動を明らかにした。1.小麦粉ドウの動的粘弾性値は温度変化に対して極小値を持つ2本の折れ線群で表現でき, その極小値を示す温度は軟質小麦で20℃, 硬質小麦で25℃であった。2.これらの線は平行移動によって重ね合すことができ, 小麦粉ドウが熱レオロジー的に単純であることがわかった。3.移動量を定量的に表現し, 粘弾性値を温度, 振動数に対して一般的に表現し, 温度-速度の相互変換が可能であることを示した。, In order to know thermorheological behavior of wheat flour dough, dynamic viscoelasticity of the soft and hard wheat at several temperature and oscillation speeds were measured. Results were as follows. 1. Viscoelastic values of the dough showed the minimum value at a temperature, and were plotted on folded lines. Temperature at the minimum value of the soft wheat dough was 20 C, and that of the hard wheat dough was 25 C. 2. It was found that the wheat dough was thermorheologically simple, because those lines could be superposed each other by parallel movement. 3. Quantitative expression of the viscoelasticity of those doughs was generalized concerning the temperature and oscillation speed. This made possible to exchange temperature and oscillation speed each other., 紀要論文}, pages = {161--167}, title = {小麦粉ドウの熱レオロジー的挙動 : ドウの動的粘弾性の一般化(農業工学科)}, year = {1982} }