@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003076, author = {佐藤, 茂俊 and Sato, Shigetoshi}, issue = {28}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Nov}, note = {1)台中65号の乾燥種子をX線処理(総線量, 25Kr)した後代より育成された相互転座系統(T-系統)のもつ転座染色体の同定を行った(Table 1)。2)同じ転座型と同定された系統について転座点の異同を調査するため, 相互間の交雑を行ないF_1の花粉および種子稔性を調査した(Table 2)。その結果から, 2-3の転座型と同定されたT-17,T-34およびT-54の3系統, 2-7型とされたT-14およびT-16の2系統, ならびに2-10型のT-31およびT-32の2系統はそれぞれ関与染色体の同一, もしくはかなり近い位置に転座点をもつことが判った。遺伝子の転座分析ではこれらを同一系統と見做してよいであろう。3)T-系統はその育成過程において台中65号と3回の戻し交雑が行なわれていることから, 台中65号の同質遺伝子系統と見做し得る。4)従って, T-系統の遺伝的背景を示すために, 台中65号をT65と略称し, それに転座点を付す形式でTable 3に示す如く各系統を命名した。, Since Nagao and Takahashi demonstrated twelve linkage groups of rice corresponding to the haploid number of chromosomes, linkage analysis by the use of segmental interchanges have been studied to elucidate how the linkage groups corresponds to respective chromosomes. But some genes still remain unknown as to which chromosomes they are carried by. Ambiguity results from a distant position of interchange point from a questioned gene, and also from that the breakpoints had been located on small parts in few chromosomes (cf. Sato et al.). It has been hoped to have a larger number of interchange lines. Thirty-three homozygous lines for interchanges (T-line) were produced from Taichung 65 (abbreviated as T65) by Drs. H. I. Oka and Y. Sano (National Institute of Genetics, Japan); they are isogenic lines isolated after being backcrossed three times with the original variety of T65. With fourteen of them the present author has identified the chromosomes involved in interchange by observing the mode of chromosome association at diakinesis in F_1 hybrids between the T-lines and the RT-lines used as chromosome testers. In addition, T-lines having the same interchange chromosomes were inter-crossed to examine the pollen and spikelet fertilities of F_1 plants so as to determine whether the position of interchange was identical or different. From the experiment, the interchange chromosomes of the T-lines were identified (Table 1). Five of the 14 T-lines had interchanged between chromosomes 2 and 3 and three of them appeared to have practically the same point of interchange (Table 2). Similarly, Two lines had the same interchange between chromosomes 2 and 7,and the other two had the same interchange between chromosomes 2 and 10. It remains unknown why the second and the third chromosome were involved in segmental interchange much more frequently than other chromosomes. Since the T-lines had been backcrossed three times with the original variety of T65,they can be regarded as isogenic lines of T65. Their names were proposed as given in Table 3., 紀要論文}, pages = {41--47}, title = {イネ品種台中 65 号の同質遺伝子相互転座系統の同定(資料)(農学科)}, year = {1981} }