@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003091, author = {日吉, 文樹 and 古謝, 瑞幸 and 仲田, 正 and 渡嘉敷, 綏宝 and 山内, 修 and Hiyoshi, Fumiki and Koja, Zuiko and Nakada, Tadashi and Tokashiki, Suiho and Yamauchi, Osamu}, issue = {28}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Nov}, note = {沖縄においてホルスタイン泌乳牛の気温の上昇に伴う体温, 呼吸数および脈搏数の変化との関係について研究した。これらの測定は1977年5月から9月までの間に, 1日4回, 午前8時半, 正午, 午後5時, 午後9時に行った。測定期間の舎内の平均気温は22°∿33℃の範囲を変動した。結果は下記の通りである。1.体温および呼吸数は気温の上昇に伴い増加した。体温と呼吸数の臨界気温はそれぞれ28℃と26℃であるように思われた。2.脈搏数は, 気温の上昇に伴って変化しなかった。3.測定月別にみると体温と呼吸数は7月に最も高い値を示し, 測定時刻別では全期間を通して午後5時に高くなった。, Body temperature, respiration rate and pulse rate of lactating Holstein cows were measured from May to September in Okinawa. Measurements were daily made at 08 : 30,12 : 00,17 : 00,and 21 : 00 in the dairy barn. Temperatures in the dairy barn were varied in the range from 22 to 33℃ during the experimental period. Results are summarized as follows 1. The body temperature and respiration rate increased with a rise of the environmental temperature. It seemed that the critical temperature for the body temperature and respiration rate were 28℃ and 26℃, respectively. 2. The pulse rate did not change with increasing ambient temperature. 3. The body temperature and respiration rate in July were significantly higher than those in other months. These values reached a maximum at 17 : 00 during the experimental period., 紀要論文}, pages = {187--195}, title = {沖縄における暑熱環境下のホルスタイン雌牛の体温,呼吸数および脈搏数の変動(畜産学科)}, year = {1981} }