@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003094, author = {城間, 定夫 and 本郷, 富士弥 and Shiroma, Sadao and Hongo, Fujiya}, issue = {28}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Nov}, note = {沖縄に自生するギンネムのミールを調製し飼料中4,8,12%と添加して, 産卵鶏に給与し産卵成績に対する影響を市販のアルファルファミールと比較した。沖縄で飼養される単冠白色レグホーン種のAとBの2系統のその給与に対する反応の比較も行なった。また, ギンネム22%給与鶏における卵黄, 卵白, 翼下静脈血漿中及び総排泄物中のmimosine(MS)量を測定し, 摂取されたMSの動向の一端をも検討した。さらに, 同ギンネム給与鶏における卵の形状特性や卵黄濃度スコアの測定も実施した。B系のギンネム給与鶏において, 他のグループに比べ低産卵率と高飼料要求率の傾向が見られ, また, 調整体重と卵重もA系より軽い値が得られたが, これは月齢差によるものと思われた。アルファルファ給与鶏と比較してギンネム給与鶏は飼料要求率,卵重量及び飼料摂取量の点で優れ産卵率と体重に差がないことから, 12%(71.1PPMのMS)程度までの添加では何んら悪影響はなく, むしろ好結果が得られると云えよう。飼料中, ギンネムを22%(130.2PPM)添加しても卵黄,卵白及び静脈血漿中のいずれにもMSは検出されなかった。総排泄物中にのみ湿重1g当り8.56mgのMSが検出された。しかし, この実験ではMSの体内での動向を説明することは無理で, 今後より詳細な出納試験が必要である。なお, 22%ギンネム給与鶏は標準区鶏に比べ著しく卵黄濃度スコアが高く, また, 卵殻は厚いが卵黄重の軽い卵を産出したが, この点も今後さらに検討してみる必要があろう。, This research was conducted to examine the effects of strains (A and B), sources (alfalfa vs Leucaena leucocephala de Wit or LLDW) and levels (4,8 and 12%) of meal on the performances of layers. Also, effects of feeding a ration containing 22% LLDW meal on the mimosine (MS) contents in egg yolk, egg albumin, blood plasma and excreta were determined to obtain some physiological informations and to elucidate the fate of MS ingested as well as on the characteristics and yolk pigmentation of eggs laid. The results are summarized as follows : Although strain B layers on 12%-LM ration showed a trend of lower egg production and lower feed efficiency compared to other groups, no such tendency was observed in strain A layers. Strain B layers also gave lighter body weight and egg weight than strain A layers did. These differences, however, seem to be due to age difference in these two strains. Layers on LM ration had better feed efficiency, laid heavier eggs and left less feed compared to those on AM ration. It was concluded that addition of LLDW meal to the layer's ration up to 12% or 71.7 PPM of MS has no adverse effect on their performances. No MS was detected in any samples studied except excreta which contained 8.56mg. It was suggested that more precise balance trials should be carried out before we give conclusions to the fate of MS ingested by the layers. Layers on 22%-LM ration containing 130.2 PPM of MS laid eggs with thicker shell, lighter yolk and higher yolk color score compared to those on the control ration., 紀要論文}, pages = {215--225}, title = {産卵鶏に対するギンネムミールの給与(畜産学科)}, year = {1981} }