@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003096, author = {大城, 政一 and 津田, 恒之 and Oshiro, Seiichi and Tsuda, TsuneYuki}, issue = {28}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Nov}, note = {オーチャードグラスの乾草給餌から生草給餌への切り換えによるCA排泄量とその他の生理諸元の変動を検討した。直腸温, 心拍数および呼吸数は乾草給餌と生草給餌間に有意差は認められなかった。尿量は両給餌間に有意差はなかったが, 飲水量は生草給餌で有意に減少した(P<0.01)。尿中NAおよびA排泄量は乾草給餌でそれぞれ3.07±0.97μg/日, 0.87±0.75μg/日, 生草給餌でそれぞれ2.83±1.28μg/日, 0.97±0.81μg/日と両給餌間に有意差はなかった。しかし, 乾草給餌から生草給餌に切り換えた第一日にはNA排泄量4.83±1.87μg/日, A排泄量は1.98±1.45μg/日と高い値を示した。, The urinary excretions of catecholamine and other physiological responses were measured in the three adult male sheep fed by the switch back design from orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata) hay (7 days) to that green grass (7 days) Rectal temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and urine volume were not statistically different on this switch back design. Urinary noradrenaline and adrenaline excretions per day in hay and green grass feeding were 3.07±0.97μg; 2.83±1.28μg and 0.87±0.75μg; 0.97±0.81μg, respectively. Those differences between the two kind of feeding were not significant statistically. On other hand, the first day with changing feed from hay to green grass were 4.83±1.87μg in urinary noradrenaline and 1.98±1.45μg in urinary adrenaline. Water intake (3030±805ml/day) under feeding hay was significantly higher than that (700±370ml/day) under feeding fresh forage., 紀要論文}, pages = {235--238}, title = {給与飼料の変化によるノルアドレナリンおよびアドレナリンの尿中排泄量について(畜産学科)}, year = {1981} }