@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003097, author = {日越, 博信 and 八幡, 辰正 and 森下, 龍郎 and 佐伯, 雅子 and 宇治, 達哉 and Higoshi, Hironobu and Hachiman, Tatsumasa and Morishita, Tatsuro and Saeki, Masako and Uji, Tatsuya}, issue = {28}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Nov}, note = {著者らは1977年以来沖縄県の生乳における細菌の汚染状況を調査してきた。今回はその一環として乳牛の各分房から直接採取した生乳について調査を行ない, 次のような成績を得た。夏季(1980年7∿8月)および秋季(11∿12月)に採取した延べ780試料におけるRTの成績では0∿5級に分布したが, ほとんどの試料(90.6%)は2級以下であった。総菌数は93.1%の試料が5万/ml以下であった。また35℃2日培養による生菌数は, 10^0/ml台から10^4/ml台の範囲にあったが, 多くの試料のそれは10^1∿10^3/ml台であった。細胞数は76.0%の試料が49万/ml以下であったが, 100万/ml以上の試料も11.7%みられた。細胞数が100万/ml以上の試料の多くはRTで3∿5級を示した。分離菌株の種類ではStaphylococcus(57.1%)が最も多く, 次いでMicrococcus(8.8%), Corynebacterium(5.9%), Acinetobacter(3.8%), Streptococcus(3.1%)の順であったが, これらの出現頻度とRTの級の間に関係はみられなかった。, We have been making surveys to explore the extent of bacterial contamination of raw milk in Okinawa Prefecture since 1977. This report presents the results of bacteriologic examination of raw milk specimens collected directly from individual quarters of the udder of cattle. A total of 780 samples obtained during summer (July-August, 1980) and autumn (November-December, 1980) ranged from class 0 to 5 on resazurin tests, a great majority (90.6%) being found to be class 2 or lower. The direct microscopic bacterial count was less than 50,000/ml in 93.1% of the specimens. The viable bacterial count on a 2-day incubation at 35℃ ranged from <10 to <10^5/ml, being between 10^1 and 10^3/ml in a great majority of the specimens. In 76.0% of all specimens the udder cell count was less than 490,000/ml, while 11.7% showed counts of not less than 1,000,000/ml. A large majority of the samples containing not less than 1,000,000/ml were found to be between classes 3 and 5 on the resazurin test. Most frequently isolated bacteria from raw milk were those of the genus Staphylococcus (57.1%), followed, in order, by Micrococcus (8.8%), Corynebacterium (5.9%), Acinetobacter (3.8%), and Streptococcus (3.1%)., 紀要論文}, pages = {239--245}, title = {レサズリンテストを中心とする生乳の細菌学的検査 IV(畜産学科)}, year = {1981} }