@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003110, author = {村山, 盛一 and 茅野, 良一 and 宮里, 清松 and 野瀬, 昭博 and Murayama, Seiichi and Kayano, Ryoichi and Miyazato, Kiyomatsu and Nose, Akihiro}, issue = {27}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Nov}, note = {施肥量, 栽植密度, 挿穂部位, 採苗栄養系の差異がステビアの生育および収量に与える影響を明らかにすることを目的に実験を行ない, 次の結果を得た。1)草丈, 分枝数, 葉数の3形質間には有意な相関があり, 特に分枝数と葉数の間の相関はかなり高かった(図1)。また, この3形質の生育の進行に伴う増加の様相については, 草丈は生育初期から生育後期まで直線的増加を示していたのに対して, 分枝数と葉数は生育後期に急速に増大する指数関数的増加の様相を示した(図2,図3)。2)施肥量は, a当り3要素各成分量で, 0.7kgよりは1.4kgおよび2.1kgが明らかに生育, 収量ともよかったが, 1.4kg区と2.1kg区の間にはほとんど差はみられなかった(図2,図4)。3)栽植密度については, 1株の生育および収量は畦間60cm, 株間20cmの疎植がよかったが, 単位面積当りの乾葉収量は畦間60cm, 株間10cmの密植がよかった(図3,図4)。本実験の場合は初年株で, しかも1回刈しか実施していないために, このような結果になったと思われるが, 2回刈あるいは2年株以上では, 両者間における差異は小さくなるものと思われる。4)挿穂部位間に生育の差がみられ, 頂部苗が活着, 定植後の生育, 収量もよかった(図5,図6)。5)採苗栄養系が異なると, 生育特性, 葉収量に大きな差がみられ(図7,図8), 採苗栄養系ごとに草丈と収量, 分枝数と収量の相関係数を求めると, 分枝数と葉数の間には, 特に高い相関がみられた(表2)。このことからすると, 分枝数, 葉数が多く, 1枚葉面積の大きい栄養系から採苗した方が増収につながるものと思われる。, Experiments were carried out to study the effects of the amount of fertilizer, planting density, position of the cutting, and mother plant (seedling clone) on the growth and yield of Stevia rebaudiana BERTONI. The results obtained are as follows : 1). Correlation coefficients among plant height, the number of the branch and the number of the leaf were significant, and correlation between the number of the branch and the number of the leaf were especially very high (Fig. 1). 2). The growth and leaf dry matter yield in the high fertilizer level plot (2.1kg/a of N, P_2O_5 and K_2O compound) and the medium level plot (1.4kg/a of the three-element compound) were superior to those in the low level plot (0.7kg/a of the three-element compound), but the difference in the growth and leaf dry matter yield between the high level plot and the medium plot was small (Fig. 2,Fig. 4). 3). As for the planting density, the growth and leaf dry matter yield per plant in the 60cm×20cm plot were superior to those in the 60cm×10cm plot, but leaf dry matter yield per 10a in the high planting density plot of 60cm×10cm was greater than that in the sparse density plot of 60cm×20cm (Fig. 3,Fig. 4). The results mentioned above may be due to the fact that the cutting was done only once a year. If the cutting is done twice a year, or if the ratoon is grown, the difference in the leaf dry matter yield is expected to become small between the two planting density plots. 4). A clear differnece was seen in the growth and leaf dry matter yield among the seedlings obtained from different cutting positions, and seedlings from the top were superior to other seedlings in taking root, growth after planting, and yield (Fig. 5,Fig. 6). 5). The characteristics of growth and leaf dry matter yield showed a large difference with the difference of the clone from which the seedling was obtained (Fig. 7,Fig. 8). 6). Correlation coefficients among plant height, the number of the branch and leaf dry matter yield were significant. Correlation between the number of the branch and leaf dry matter yield was especially very high (Table 2). From these facts, it is expected that high yield will be obtained, if the seedling from the clone having both the large number of branches and leaves with large leaf area is planted., 紀要論文}, pages = {1--8}, title = {ステビアの栽培に関する研究 : 第 2 報施肥量・栽植密度・挿穂部位および苗の栄養系が生育と収量に及ぼす影響(農学科)}, year = {1980} }