@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003138, author = {宮城, 悦生 and Miyagi, Etsuo}, issue = {27}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Nov}, note = {栽植密度がネピアグラスの生産におよぼす影響を検討するため, 株間を50cmと同一にし, 畦幅を50cm, 75cm, 100cmおよび125cmの4試験区を設定し, 1977年と1978年の2ヵ年間試験を実施した。得られた結果は次のとおりである。1 生草収量は高密度区ほど増収を示し, 50区で年間10a当り50t以上の収量が得られた。同様に乾物収量についても50区が高収量を示し, 年間10a当り約7tの収量を得た。2 茎数は高密度区ほど単位面積当りの本数が増加し, 乾物収量との間に高い相関がみとめられた。逆に草丈, 一茎当り葉数, 一茎重, 一葉当り葉面積は高密度になるにしたがって抑制される傾向を示した。3 葉面積指数と収量生長速度はともに高密度区ほど高い数値を示し, 乾物収量および茎数との間に高い相関がみとめられた。以上の結果から栽植密度は単位面積当りの茎数に影響をおよぼし, 葉面積指数, 収量生長速度に変化をもたらし, その結果, 乾物収量に強く影響するものと思われる。, In the present experiment, cutting of Napier grass were planted in the fall of 1975. The yield of Napier grass as affected by the planting density was investigated for two years from 1977 to 1978. The planting density was set at 4 different row widths of 50,75,100 and 125cm with an intrarow spacing of 50cm. The results are summarized as follows; 1. The results showed the highest yield in the plots of the highest planting density of 50×50cm, where obtained were 50 tons of fresh yield per 10 are a years equivalent to 7 tons of dry yield. 2. Higher planting density increased in the number of tillers per unit area, and correlation between the plant density and the grass yields were high although the increased planting density tended to show negative effects on the grass height, the number of leaves per tiller, the weight of a tiller and the leaf area per leaf. 3. The leaf area index and the crop growth rate were found to be associated with the planting density, and they were also highly correlated to the dry yield and the number of tillers. From the results obtained here, suggested were possible higher yield of Napier grass by increasing planting density which brought about the increase of the number of tillers per unit area, the leaf area index and the crop growth rate., 紀要論文}, pages = {293--301}, title = {ネピアグラス (Pennisetum purpureum SCHUMACH) の生産におよぼす栽植密度の影響(畜産学科)}, year = {1980} }