@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003185, author = {大城, 政一 and 新城, 明久 and 高橋, 宏 and Oshiro, Seiichi and Shinjo, Akihisa and Takahashi, Hiroshi}, issue = {26}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究は水牛, 牛および山羊の血漿諸成分を比較検討し, 水牛の血液学的特性を明らかにすることを目的として行った。供試家畜は雌水牛4頭, 雌牛6頭および雌山羊10頭であった。供試家畜からの採血は頸静脈から行った。水牛の血漿アルブミン濃度, A/G比, 血漿尿素態窒素濃度および血糖値は牛と山羊のそれらより顕著に高い値を示したが, 総蛋白質量, 血漿遊離コレステロール濃度および血漿FFA濃度は水牛と牛および山羊の間には有意差は認められなかった。他方, 血漿総コレステロール濃度で水牛と山羊は牛より低い値を示した。また, 牛の血漿アルブミン濃度, 血漿遊離コレステロール濃度は山羊より高い値であったが, 牛の血漿尿素態窒素濃度は山羊より低い値であった。, The experiment was planed to determine the composition of plasma and to make clear the hematological characteristics of the water buffaloes kept in Okinawa. Comparison on the hematological characteristics were carried out among three species for the objects of the studies. The experimental animals used were 4 female water buffaloes (Swamp type), 6 female Japanese black cattle and 10 female Saanen goats. Sampling of plasma was conducted from the jugular vein of the experimental animals. The results obtained are summarized as follows; Plasma albumin (4.00±0.09g/dl), A/G ratio (1.23±0.07), plasma urea nitrogen (33.8±2.3mg/dl) and plasma glucose (91.1±6.3mg/dl) in water buffaloes were significantly higher than those (3.52±0.33,3.09±0.06g/dl; 0.86±0.11,0.86±0.02; 14.7±2.4,21.2±1.4mg/dl; 61.7±2.9,46.3±2.2mg/dl) in cattle and goats respectively (P<.01), but no plasma protein, plasma free cholesterol and plasma free fatty acid of water buffaloes differed from those of cattle and goats. Water buffaloes (74.8±8.8mg/dl) and goats (81.3±4.5mg/dl) were significantly lower than cattle (112.1±7.6mg/dl) in total plasma cholesterol (P<.01). Cattle were significantly higher than goats in plasma albumin, plasma free cholesterol and plasma glucose, but were lower than goats in plasma urea nitrogen (P<.01)., 紀要論文}, pages = {389--393}, title = {水牛, 牛および山羊の血漿諸成分の比較(畜産学科)}, year = {1979} }