@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003224, author = {新城, 明久 and 宮城, 満 and 下地, 孝志 and Shinjo, Akihisa and Miyagi, Mitsuru and Shimoji, Takashi}, issue = {25}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {沖縄肉用ヤギの体型を島嶼間で比較するとともに遺伝的な外部形質と体型との関連性, 体各部位間の相関および実験動物としての小型ヤギの育種の可能性について検討した。調査したヤギ(733頭)は1才以上の雌とし, 毛色, 肉髯などの5形質を観察するとともに体高, 体長など13部位の計測を行なった。調査した島は, 与那国島, 石垣島, 宮古島, 久米島, 座間味島, 沖縄島中南部, 沖縄島北部, 伊平屋島, 伊是名島および粟国島の10集団であった。調査期間は1975年6月から1976年8月までとした。1.沖縄肉用ヤギの平均体尺測定値は体高58cm, 斜体長64cm, 腰角幅14cm, 胸囲74cm, 体重33kgであった。体型の島嶼間比較においては, 沖縄島と宮古島のヤギが大きかったのに対し, 伊平屋島と久米島のヤギが小さかった。2.外部形質と体尺測定値との関連性は, 白色個体が有色個体に比較し大きかった。他の形質における体型の大小関係は, 肉髯あり>肉髯なし, 毛髯あり>毛髯なし, 無角>有角, 副乳頭なし>副乳頭ありとなっていた。3.全肉用ヤギの各部位間の相関係数はいずれの部位間でも有意に高い正の相関が得られた。体重と相関の高い順位は胸囲, 胸深, 体長であった。他方, 小型ヤギにおける相関係数は全般に低かった。4.全肉用ヤギと小型ヤギの外部形質の出現率は白色84,73%, 肉髯あり28,21%, 毛髯あり85,78%, 有角68,78%, 副乳頭あり44,52%であった。5.実験用小型ヤギの望ましい外部形質と体型, さらに毛髯は在来型の特徴から除くべきことについて考察した。, The Okinawa meat goats were studied for their comparative body measurements among the islands, for the relation between morpho-genetic characters and body size, and for the possibility of their miniaturization as laboratory animals. The goats weighing less than twenty-five kilograms were classified as miniature goats. Five morpho-genetic characters and body measurements of thirteen different parts were recorded in 733 adult female goats which were over one year old and had delivered previously. This research was conducted on the goats which had been kept in the islands of Yonaguni, Ishigaki, Miyako, Kume, Zamami, Southern and Central Okinawa, Northern Okinawa, Iheya, Izena and Aguni. The period of investigation was from June 1975 to August 1976. The results are summarized as follows : 1. The average withers heigth, oblique body length, hip width, chest girth and body weight in the Okinawa meat goats were 58,64,14,74cm and 33kg, respectively. The body measurements of goats in Okinawa and Miyako islands were larger than those of goats in other islands, while those of goats in Iheya and Kume islands were smaller. 2. The average body size of white goats was larger than that of colored ones. The relations of body size among animals on other morpho-genetic characters were : wattled>wattleless, bearded>beardless, polled>horned and lacking>having of supernumerary teat. 3. Most of simple correlation coefficients obtained by calcurating every possible pairs of thirteen traits in the pooled data were highly positive. Especially, the correlations (0.897∿0.803) of body weight with chest girth, chest depth and body length were very high. On the other hand, correlations in miniature goats were relatively low and lower than those in the pooled data. 4. For pooled data and miniature goat, the respective frequencies of appearance of animals with white color, wattles, beard, horns and supernumerary teats were 84,73; 28,21; 85,78; 68,78 and 44,52%. 5. It was suggested that the ideal miniature goats as laboratory animals should have white coat color and beard, but have not horns, wattles and supernumerary teats. Breeding objectives for withers hight, oblique body length and body weight of miniature goats should be 42∿48,47∿53cm, and 13∿18kg, respectively. It was also suggested that beard should be excluded from the characteristics for the native type of Okinawa goats., 紀要論文}, pages = {361--372}, title = {沖縄肉用ヤギにおける体型の島嶼間比較と小型ヤギの育種の可能性(畜産学科)}, year = {1978} }