@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003225, author = {本郷, 富士弥 and 城間, 定夫 and Hongo, Fujiya and Shiroma, Sadao}, issue = {25}, journal = {琉球大学農学部学術報告, The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Dec}, note = {本報は, 屠殺解体試験および一般化学的組成などについて調査した前報と同一の供試鶏について, 同様の試験区分に従い後肢筋および胸筋の脂質構成を調査し, 蛋白質源(魚粉給与および羽毛粉給与)およびエネルギー水準の飼料的, 肉質的効果について検討した。その結果を要約すると次のとおりである。1.後肢筋の脂質構成を試験区別に比較した結果, 新鮮物中および全脂質中をとおして全脂質およびFraction Iのいずれも高エネルギー, 魚粉区が最も高い値を示したが, 雌雄別の比較では一定の傾向は認められなかった。2.同様に胸筋の脂質構成を各試験区別に比較した結果, 標準区よりも高エネルギー区の方がやや高い値を示したが, 新鮮物中および全脂質中をとおして飼料中の蛋白質源やエネルギー水準による影響は少なく, 各試験区間の変動の幅は低い値を示した。3.後肢筋および胸筋中における新鮮物中および全脂質中の中性脂質に対するcephalin, lecithinおよびsphingomyelinなどの燐脂質含量は, 胸筋が後肢筋の約2倍の値を示した。しかし各試験区の間には変動の幅が小さく, 一貫した一定の傾向は認められなかった。これは供試鶏が発育の途中にあるためと考えられた。, Using the same broiler chicken as those employed in the experiments of dissecting yield and physico-chemical properties, this study was conducted to clarify the effects of protein source, energy level as well as sex on the lipid component ratios of thigh and breast muscles. Under the conditions of this research, the following conclusions appear justified : 1. When comparisons on the composition of lipids were conducted within treatment combinations, it was found that both total lipid level of fresh sample and the ammount of Fraction I (triglyceride) of the total lipid were the highest in thigh muscle obtained from the broiler chicken fed rations high in energy content and with fish meal. No consistent trend concerning with the effect of sex criterion was observed. 2. Comparing with the data of thigh muscle lipid, on the other hand, no pronounced effects of protein source and energy level were detected in the breast muscle lipid though the high energy group showed slightly higher value than the control group. 3. Both in the fresh sample and the total lipid, the ratios of phospholipids such as cephalin, lecithin and sphingomyelin to neutral lipids were twice as much in the breast muscle as those in thigh muscle. In either of the samples, however, no consistent tendency was found among treatment combinations due to the narrow range of fluctuation. This seems to indicate that the broiler chicken sacrificed for this research were still on their growing stages., 紀要論文}, pages = {373--381}, title = {ブロイラー飼料における羽毛粉と牛脂の利用 : 第 3 報ブロイラー肉の筋脂質構成について(畜産学科)}, year = {1978} }